Wholetones’ music plays to healing frequencies
Wholetones creates frequency-enhanced music products and devices. Founded by Michael S. Tyrrell, an award-winning author, musician, composer, and producer, Wholetones delivers theorized healing frequencies embedded in beautiful, organically tuned, and originally composed music — performed by musicians rather than synthesizers or computer-generated music.
Cancer Tutor: Start off by telling your story, how you discovered Wholetones?
Michael: That was kind of one of those amazing things that you don't put A and B together. I was asked to go on a trip with a friend, a pastor of a church in Nashville, to proofread a book of his. I wanted to go anyway and spend time with him.
When we finally landed at Ben Gurion Airport (Israel), I asked Don do we need to get a GPS. He said, “Heavens no, we already have GPS. We have God Positioning Satellite and, you know, He'll take us where we need to go.” I thought man, I love this guy … I love the way he thinks — like it's not in his head, it's in his heart. I don't have a good sense of direction but he wanted me to drive, so I drove the car and we're driving into Jerusalem and I said well, where to now, and he said, “There's a coffee house, we're going to go there and a friend of mine that has no idea that we’re in Israel is going to show up there and meet us.”

“When you hear ‘frequency' or ‘vibe,' then people immediately go frou-frou on you and they think of all kinds of new age attraction or they think that it's fringe or weird.”
Michael S. Tyrrell
I said, what? Don's like, “Yeah, he lives in Tel Aviv, but God’s going to speak to him, he's going to meet us there, it's going to be awesome.” I'm just thinking I gotta live like this, this is the way to go. So, we went to this little coffee house and there was a guy playing music, playing the piano. He was staring a hole through my head the minute I walked through the room. I sat down, it was really getting awkward, so eventually, I just closed my eyes and listened to the music. It was popular worship songs from the U.S., but obviously seeing as how it was instrumental music, even though it was a Hasidic coffee house, he was still playing Christian songs and they would never have known and I just thought that was funny.
Anyway, at the end of his set, he came over to the table and said, “I have to apologize for staring at you but I think you are a believer and I saw you and I'm supposed to give you all of my life's work.” And I said, what? I think I said what more times on this trip than any (other) combined. He said, “I’ve decoded the songs of King David and I basically rediscovered some proper tunings for instruments from thousands of years ago.” I'm just sitting there going how does this guy know I'm a musician? So anyway, he said, “If you can stay around until my next set, I've got everything in a backpack and I want to bring it in to you, I've taken it as far as I can go and I just feel God says that it's up to you now.”
So I said, OK. Sure enough, while we were waiting for his next set to be over, my friend’s friend that lives in Tel Aviv comes walking through the door of the coffee house and they hug each other and he said, “Yeah, I woke up this morning and God said go to this coffee house, that someone was waiting for me.” So they're like best friends and it was just too much. I mean, I'm watching them hugging each other thinking this guy knew to come here, like, my pastor knew how to come here and … so then next thing I know David the guy who was playing piano, is done and he goes and gets all this stuff for me. He came back with two sets of manuscripts. One was obvious, it was tablature and the other one was what we call avant-garde notation, or just a bunch of scaler lines on a piece of paper with a melodic, no concordance obviously, no structure like that of any kind. By the time I got back from Israel, I had what was pretty much Wholetones there, but I couldn't decipher it and I gave up and I put it in my office filing cabinet for about two years.
After that point, about two years later, there was just a day where I just couldn't get it out of my mind. I said OK, I'll look at it again and … I'm very much truncating this story, so for time’s sake, but the long story short is that I had a revelation when I took out the avant-garde notation. And then I realized why I never cared for the tablature because the tablature was written in our U.S. key. It's not a standard tuning internationally, even though people would want you to believe that which is the note A equals 440 vibrations per second or hertz. So it was written in A 4-4 and that's why it didn't move any market, but when I looked at the avant-garde notation, I realized something — that it was what you do for teaching if you're a father teaching your children how to sing particular melodies that are passed on for generations and in sight singing, there's no actual … it's not a musical interlude and it's not polyphonic.
It's basically singing tones with the human voice and once that came together that afternoon and a bunch of other really cool stuff that sort of coalesced into a day, I had realized that I was probably 4 seconds away from finding a frequency that would not only still be in the realm of the note A, but by changing the tuning of music, I could make that music work in harmony with how our human bodies were created in the genius of God. And to help people restore their circadian rhythm, which so many people have lost due to a myriad of problems — everything from EMF to over saturation and over satiation of the senses via Facebook, media, whatever. We're doing things that no other generation has done all of the time, which is not healthy for us, and my hope was to find a frequency of healing that I could actually embed into the … use as an underlayment for the music and thus create an environment where people could spontaneously heal.
And so that's in a nutshell, that's how it all started.
Cancer Tutor: How do solfeggio tones differ from tones that we in the West are used to?
Michael: That's a great question. As I mentioned before, for us in the West, the first takeaway is to realize that all countries don't tune the same. That's a big take away. The first way that I found out that was by subtraction on a trip to another country, to Columbia. I took my tuner and I had a band that was going to be playing with me that were Columbian musicians. They had their tuner, and we both tuned to our tuners and we were horrendously out of tune with each other because our tuning centers were not the same. So there's a (saying) sometimes that if you can see something it is but if you can't see it, it isn't. If you can hear something it is, if you can't hear something it isn't — until you realize that the bandwidth of frequency is so much larger than anyone had any idea.
Once you exhaust the audio realm, then you begin the realm of light, and so realizing that there's such a huge difference in just a … the most minute shift, like even from 440 hertz to 441 hertz, it's a huge difference. When I found out that by merely shifting to 444, I could help the body instead of actually … in other words, it's like having a wind at your back instead of a wind in your face, that was the first takeaway. The second thing was they were prescribed self-solfeggio tones, I mean a solfeggio is called sight-seeing and solfeggio tones are a group of harmonically competent frequencies that work together and they all have the sum of either 3, 6, or 9, so they all work together harmonically, but they are also from a melodic content, not quartet.
So when you have a tuner, everything's tuned in fifths in the West. Everything is tuned to A equals 440 in the West, which is a negative, if I can use that term — negative frequency as opposed to the electrical wiring in the human body. So, with that being said, I changed the tuning to be in harmony with seven specific solfeggio tones, even though I have close to 1,000 in a book that I've been working on. I've got more positive frequencies than I probably have time on the earth. With that being said, the big takeaway from solfeggio, from what we would consider typical music in the West, is the tuning is different. It’s a balanced instead of an unbalanced, tension-less frequency, so your instruments stay in tune better. It works better with your voice. The most important thing is using the proper modality that actually affects the body on a cellular level. What it really does in-vitro, and I do have the testing now for serum heart rate variability and 3D brain thermography to see — “This is your brain on Wholetones.” We can actually show people what it does as opposed to just telling them about it.
Cancer Tutor: On a cellular level, theoretically, how does sound affect our bodies, our immune system, our overall health?
Michael: My constant work is more demystifying frequency. It's funny because when you hear “frequency” or “vibe,” then people immediately go frou-frou on you and they think of all kinds of new age attraction or they think that it's fringe or weird. It's no weirder than if I said, Did you know I've got this cutting edge breakthrough I want to share with you today, and you're listening and the listeners are listening, and I say it's called breathing, you actually … inhale and you exhale, it's so good for your lungs.
That's how elemental frequency is. People aren't used to seeing that terminology, thus they think that it's something really bizarre. Every thought, every intention, every beat of the heart, everything that we see in color, everything that we hear in audio, our ability to communicate through conversation or via the telephone, which is a 900 megahertz phone, or through a computer or any other media that we use, television, radio …
Without frequency none of it would exist; no musical instrument could exist. So with that being said, it affects the body in every way. In the days of Pythagoras — we could talk about him for hours — he was primarily a musician even though he was known as the grandfather of mathematics, especially geometry. His main penchant was healing and music, and he basically did the same thing that I'm doing, but he created his own instrument called the monochord. His monochord was a 6 foot instrument that on one side was padded and then the other side had strings, so he would get his disciples to lay on top of this table when they were sick, when they were emotionally drained, depressed, stressed out, insomniacs — and they'd lay on this table and he would play the strings underneath and it would resonate their entire body.
Then after 20, 30 minutes they would go to bed and wake up the next morning just fine. One of his main disciples was Plato, so some of the most intelligent figures in history. They all realized one thing: If you can put the body into a place where it can find homeostasis, then because of the way that we are perfectly designed, the body will begin to heal itself. So it affects the body on a cellular level very simply because it's all energetics. I mean we have cells, we have white blood cells, red blood cells, you know, every bit of how a cell even breathes or how it proliferates or the function of it. Masamura Moto, he actually took pictures of all my solfeggio tones and froze them before he passed away and it's in my book. If we know how lipids and liquids respond to frequency or music — we do, we have pictures — so if we know that happens and considering how we are created, we're a good 70 percent plasma salt water.
Water has a low surface tension, so it's easily crossed into with frequency vibration music. We're affected on a cellular level because actually the cells can hear the music or feel the vibrations of the music.
Cancer Tutor: For people fighting serious illness and sleep disorders, what would you recommend?
Michael: I was with Dr. Mehmet Oz just a couple months ago and we were talking about it, his whole platform for this year is going to be sleep. He's working with Dr. Michael Bruce and I was called in, he spent some time talking with me about sleep and he said something that was profound. He said that it doesn't matter what treatment, albeit (naturopathic), prescription, or homeopathic preparation or you know … supplementation, it doesn't matter what you're putting into your body — if you're not sleeping a solid 6 to 8 hours a day, your body can not heal. So working with athletes or people with other problems, the first thing you realize is if your body isn't given the ability to sleep, it can't repair itself.
When people are dealing with something that's as diabolical as cancer, for example, they need all the fighting chance they can get. They need quality sleep. When I created the first Whole Sounds project, it went viral and people loved it, but they said you know it makes me so relaxed, but every time I fall asleep, the drum will come in or whatever and wake me up. I said well listen, it wasn't created for sleep, it was created for relaxation, but I understand. So I went and spent some time in Dallas creating a new project that's called Wholetones 2Sleep. We weren't really sure at first how much of a marker it would move until we released it and found out that even as a deaf girl named Stephanie Rude in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who’s become a huge advocate and a friend of Wholetones who was born deaf, and who thrives on the music.
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$10 Discount
What is Wholetones? Simply put, it is therapeutic music. It is music (played at specific frequencies) that has been found to relieve stress … promote healing … break negative cycles … restore sleep … and more. Wholetones is offering a discount to Cancer Tutor members: $10 off purchases of $99 and up. The coupon code is tutor10.
Because of what I mentioned earlier, that she can sense music on a cellular level, Wholetones actually introduced a deaf girl to music, and you know, that would be like a blind person getting to see. Somebody their whole life they wonder what the big hubbub about music is and suddenly they feel the music and they start to understand. So if you're dealing with some of these heavy-duty illnesses like we've categorized them, disease or the body being out ease, the first thing we want to address is how can we get this person asleep. If they can sleep, they can heal, and everything else they are doing is going to be heightened greatly because of their ability to be able to shut down for 6 to 8 hours. The first thing I would recommend, and not because it's my product alone, would be the new generation Wholetones 2Sleep 2.0 player. It's a self-contained speaker that has over 3 hours of music and it's on a loop, so once you start it, it will continue to play until you shut it off, but it runs all night long, has no percussion.
The ambiance is the same throughout the entire thing, the frequency runs throughout the entire thing, so once you are asleep you stay asleep. If you're an actor you're thinking about your next line. If you're an athlete you're thinking about your next play. If you're massively ill, no matter what you're trying to stay in a positive place and stop thinking about cancer or stop thinking about your sickness. You don't think more about what you don't want, you start thinking about what you do want, but it's really hard to do. So I created this music to try to get people asleep and into a delta wave state as quickly as possible, thus improving their chances of sleeping through the night and being able to start to have some feeling of being human again even though they might be going through chemotherapy or other caustic treatments. At least it gives them a fighting chance to be able to get some well-needed rest.
So far we have a cut on this new one called Angels All Around and it's been reported by many people and we have thousands of testimonials, but the one that seems to be the continuum is this song is a song they’ll probably never hear the end of because they're already asleep — and that's the greatest thing I could say. To be able to create something that has music and frequencies together and it helps people sleep. We have 70 million people in our country as of 2017 that have some semblance of sleep disorder and I started all of this because I'm such a terrible sleeper, being a musician and staying up til 4 playing music for people every night of my life, you know. I was all jacked up and couldn't sleep.
Cancer Tutor: What's the most surprising thing Wholetones has given to you being in this realm, in this project, and working through all of this?
Michael: I think it's one of those gifts that keeps giving. It's one of those things in my life that was so transient. Every day I find another facet of how my life has changed because of this discovery. The beautiful part of it was I had all of the research and I had all of what I believed was an inspiration that was divine driving me on to do this. Kind of like when Mel Gibson all of a sudden did the Passion of the Christ. I got to meet the guy and I was asking him about that and he's like it was a mandate, I had to do it. That's how I felt about Wholetones; it wasn't like I just put my finger in the air and wet it and said oh yeah! I knew this was something I had to do but I didn't really know what it was.
When I had it in my hand, my wife had just flown back into Dallas to help me drive all my gear home in the truck and she goes, “Well, can I hear it?” She's smart and she'll tell me the way it is and sometimes I don't want to hear it, but she'll tell me. So I'm thinking I don't even know what this is and she wants me to play it for her. What if she just hates it? But I said OK. So I put it in the player and we started driving home, I didn't even get to the stop sign and she's completely come apart on me, bent over, crying. She looked at me and she said, “This is your magnum opus. This is the reason you were born.” It still gets me, it's hard for me even to talk about it because it was basically, hey guess what, this is your new life bud, this is what you're going to dedicate your whole life to.
In about two months, I'm getting all this stuff coming in from the marketing companies saying you're in 100 nations and then a month later you're in 120 nations, and then it's like, how is this even possible? Then the testimonials started coming in. The end of 2014, 2015, and we've had over 100,000 healing testimonies since then and they're coming in fast and furious. It changed basically my entire life. It changed my focus, it changed the way I produce and engineer music, and it changed the way I create music.
I got inundated with calls from people saying you have done an admirable job putting us to sleep and getting us to rest but a lot of us like to workout, and some of us are energetic, and could you possibly make one that works with correct tempo for people that do Pilates or people that do kettlebell workouts, you know, high intensity.
I'm actually going to record a project that I call Wholetones Active that's for people that go to the gym. They need something that's going to be more energetic (than Wholetones).
Cancer Tutor: What's the biggest lesson you've learned, personally?
Michael: Totally honest, regardless of the demographics of the audience, I have to stay that I am almost embarrassed that I was 52 years old before I learned the biggest secret of life: Just get out of God’s way. He knows exactly how to make your life perfect and to get you to do what you've always wanted to do, but we spend most of our life as a speed bump that impedes our success.
We don't realize that we're that speed bump, but we keep relying on what we know and what we think we know in order to move forward. And it's the beauty of it, that God’s not angry at us for doing that. It breaks His heart because He sees a better life for us than we see for ourselves.
When I was actually able to literally get out of God’s way and stop trying to run my life and my business, then I actually had a life and a business. That's the big takeaway for me — learning just how to get out of the way and stop being an impediment to my own success.