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Treatments and Supplements

It’s 3 a.m., you’re wide awake, and counting the hours until you have to get out of bed. Your mind is racing, contemplating, tossing, turning. You’re hot and cold at the same time. You have a million and one things to do, but you just want to go back to sleep. We’ve all been there, […]

People have transformed the traditional application of coffee beans and began to use it for medical purposes. [1] The coffee enema was developed and has been practiced until the modern-day, especially as part of integrative cancer treatment. [2, 3] The concept of autointoxication maintains the colon is regarded as the human sewer, which stores partially-digested […]

In the 1970s, Linus Pauling observed that treatment with intravenous Vitamin C on patients with terminal cancer, followed by oral supplementation, had survival times four times longer than those not treated. However, two randomized clinical trials — Creagan, et al., 1979; Moertel, et al., 1985 — conducted at the Mayo Clinic with oral ascorbate alone […]

As cancers are becoming more and more resistant to standard chemotherapy and other forms of treatments, different kinds of drugs have to be developed to more specifically tackle these issues. One treatment that is becoming more prevalent is targeted cancer therapy. Targeted cancer therapy blocks a specific molecular target, either by inhibiting a specific protein […]

Glutathione, also known as “the master antioxidant,” is a powerful substance produced and used by all cells in the body. Glutathione has a broad repertoire of clinically proven benefits for health. However, its levels can be compromised during disease, and cancer is, perhaps, the most glutathione-depleting disease there is. Glutathione deficiencies are common in patients […]

The procedure of colon hydrotherapy has been around for centuries with the Egyptians first using it around 1500 BC. The Egyptian papyrus method utilized a combination of purgatives, enemas, diuretics, heat, and steam, while both ancient and modern tribes from the Amazon, Central Africa and remote parts of Asia, have also used river water for […]

Hyperthermia (also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment whereby body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113 degrees). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and destroy cancer cells, usually causing minimal damage to normal tissues. [1] By destroying cancer cells and damaging proteins and structures within […]

Doctors have a new ally to deal with cases of cancer patients who have two or more possible treatments: the chemosensitivity test. This is a laboratory test that measures the number of tumor cells that a certain cancer drug eliminates. The test is done after the tumor cells are collected from the patient’s body. These […]

Anything that has an accelerator must also have a brake, and the immune system is a perfect example of that. The main function of our immune system is to destroy the invading agents — viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites — but this also requires having armaments which, in the hands of the wrong commander, becomes a […]

Dr. Kevin Conner became fascinated with Rife technology when he was in school. Once he began treating cancer patients — “I had the brochure taped to the wall in front of my desk,” he says — it was a Holy Spirit moment. “I felt like God said, ‘What would you do if you had cancer?’” […]

When deciding which cancer treatment is best for you, Dr. Kevin Conners notes there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. “Everything we offer will not be found in conventional medicine,” he says. “The standards of care for cancer care is basically surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, or a combination thereof, and we don’t do any of that. […]

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