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    Oil Protein Diet Cookbook

    Oil Protein Diet Cookbook

    Johanna Budwig
    ISBN: 978-0969527220
    This brilliant scientific mind has put together a wonderfully imaginative best seller cookbook --a guide for the use of healthy oils in daily meal preparation.
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    On the Take: How Medicines Complicity with Big Bu...

    On the Take: How Medicines Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health

    Jerome P. Kassirer
    ISBN: 978-0195300048
    In On the Take, Dr. Jerome Kassirer offers an unsettling look at the pervasive payoffs that physicians take from big drug companies and other medical suppliers, arguing that the billion-dollar onslaught of industry money has deflected many physicians' moral compasses and directly impacted the everyday care we receive from the doctors and institutions we trust most.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    One Answer to Cancer

    One Answer to Cancer

    Dr Med Dent William Donald
    ISBN: 978-3744897761
    One Answer to Cancer
  • One Man Alone An Investigation of Nutrition, Canc...

    One Man Alone An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley

    Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD
    ISBN: 978-0982196519
    This monograph describes Dr. Gonzalez's investigation of the nutritional/enzyme cancer treatment developed by the alternative practitioner Dr. William Donald Kelley. The book provides an in-depth analysis of Dr. Kelley's theories and practice, as well as evidence demonstrating the treatment's value against even the most aggressive of cancers. The author includes 50 representative case histories of patients diagnosed with a variety of poor prognosis or terminal malignancies who did well under Dr. Kelley's care, with copies of the actual relevant medical records.
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    Options—The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book

    Options—The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book

    Richard Walters
    ISBN: 978-0895295101
    Describes and explains biologic, drug, immune, metabolic, herbal, energy, nutritional, and adjunctive treatments.
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    Outliving Cancer

    Outliving Cancer

    Robert A. Nagourney M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1591203063
    By taking a fresh look at some of medicine's most sacrosanct dictates, Dr. Nagourney has found a better, faster, smarter way to treat even the most complex cancers.
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    Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treat...

    Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments that Work

    Tanya Harter Pierce
    ISBN: 978-0972886789
    Twenty-one different alternative methods are discussed along with real-life stories of people who completely recovered from a variety of advanced or late-stage cancers using alternative approaches. The book explains why alternative methods work better than conventional toxic treatments and presents details about the scientific basis for them, including the amazing formula called Protocel, which has produced incredible cancer recoveries over the past twenty years.
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    Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radia...

    Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do About It

    Martin Blank PhD
    ISBN: 978-1609806200
    Keys, wallet, cell phone . . . ready to go! Cell phones have become ubiquitous fixtures of twenty-first-century life—suctioned to our ears and stuck in our pockets. Yet, we’ve all heard whispers that these essential little devices give you brain cancer. Many of us are left wondering, as Maureen Dowd recently asked in the New York Times, “Are cells the new cigarettes?”
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    Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and ...

    Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and Vitality

    Nathaniel Altman
    ISBN: 978-0892817931
    A revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book that provides a comprehensive view of bio-oxidative therapies in the context of holistic health.
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    Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen

    Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen

    Kurt W. Donsbach
    ISBN: 978-1569595701
    Hydrogen Peroxide, Magnesium Peroxide, Chlorine Peroxide.
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    Politics in Healing

    Politics in Healing

    Daniel Haley
    ISBN: 978-0970115003
    Haley gathers 12 medical outsiders' stories to support his theory that the AMA, FDA, and big pharmaceutical companies conspire to prevent new ideas from entering medical research and practice.
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    Praying Through Cancer

    Praying Through Cancer

    Susan Sorenson and Laura Geist
    ISBN: 978-0849918827
    Praying Through Cancer is a collection of stories by women who have faced cancer and, with triumphant spirits, found comfort and sometimes even joy in the midst of it.
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    Prescription for Profits : How the Pharmaceutical...

    Prescription for Profits : How the Pharmaceutical Industry Bankrolled the Unholy Marriage Between Science and Business

    Linda Marsa
    ISBN: 978-0684800028
    A history of the pharmaceutical industry in the United States and the people who drove its rise reveals the early days of the mass production of penicillin, when scientists willingly shared their information, to today, when concerns about profit shape research into cures for AIDS and cancer.
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    Promoting Wellness for Prostate Cancer Patients

    Promoting Wellness for Prostate Cancer Patients

    Mark A. Moyad
    ISBN: 978-1938170034
    In this fully updated and redesigned Fourth Edition, Dr. Moyad covers the latest advancements in prostate cancer treatment while providing his trademark no-nonsense analysis on groundbreaking research that is currently underway. A new series of “Quick Tips” run throughout the book, where Dr. Moyad shares his secrets to improving overall health and vitality. Discover small diet and lifestyle changes that can produce big results.
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    Proof for the Cancer Fungus Connection

    Proof for the Cancer Fungus Connection

    Yoseph, James and Hannah
    ISBN: 978-0988820661
    This is a two-part book by the investigative team who delivered, How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time). In Part One, you will discover how fungal toxins (and drugs made from fungal toxins) interrupt normal cell replication and lead to cancer. In Part Two, the current Dark Age of medicine is unveiled with light shed on the process that keeps both patients and physicians in the blind about the causes and cures for cancer.
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    Prostate and Cancer: A Family Guide to Diagnosis,...

    Prostate and Cancer: A Family Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Survival

    Sheldon Marks M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0738213477
    Working with Dr. Judd Moul, the Chairman of Urology at Duke and one of the world's top experts on prostate cancer, Marks provides the most up-to- date information on diagnosis, treatment, and common questions.
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    Prostate Cancer Breakthroughs 2014

    Prostate Cancer Breakthroughs 2014

    Jay S. Cohen
    ISBN: 978-0988710504
    Fast reading, easy to understand, step-by-step, Prostate Cancer Breakthroughs 2014 takes you through the entire diagnostic process, answering your questions and suggesting others to ask, then describing 12 different treatment choices for you to consider.
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    Prostate Cancer: A New Approach to Treatment and ...

    Prostate Cancer: A New Approach to Treatment and Healing

    Dr. Emilia A. Ripoll and Mark B. Saunders
    ISBN: 978-0996256209
    Prostate Cancer: A New Approach to Treatment and Healing gives readers new access to leading-edge medical information about prostate cancer, by making it simple and easy-to-understand. Essentially, this is a picture book for adults, written in everyday English, with lots of state-of-the-art information to support all the images, flow charts, tables, and diagrams.
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    Questioning Chemotherapy

    Questioning Chemotherapy

    Ralph M. Moss, Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-1881025252
    A revealing critique of chemotherapy, this book looks objectively at chemo's successes and failures.
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    Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alte...

    Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives

    James P. Carter
    ISBN: 978-1878901323
    Dr. Carter reveals how corruption and greed in the medical industry have resulted in the suppression of viable alternatives for health.

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