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    And the Band Played On

    And the Band Played On

    Randy Shilts
    ISBN: 978-0312374631
    One of the few true modern classics, it changed and framed how AIDS was discussed in the following years. Now republished in a special 20th Anniversary edition, And the Band Played On remains one of the essential books of our time.
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    Betrayed and Persecuted, Royal R. Rife

    Betrayed and Persecuted, Royal R. Rife

    Gerald F. Foye
    ISBN: 978-0965961332
    The material in this book covers the historical background of Rife and his concepts of radiant frequency energy healing.
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    Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes what We Know and...

    Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes what We Know and Don’t Know about Cancer

    Robert N. Proctor
    ISBN: 978-0465008599
    Explains why we still don't have straight answers to questions such as: Why do rates from some cancers appear to have risen and others fallen? and suggests how we might actually win the war on cancer.
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    Cancer: Cause, Cure and Cover-up

    Cancer: Cause, Cure and Cover-up

    Ron Gdanski
    ISBN: 978-0968566503
    Prevent and cure cancer by eliminating the cause.
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    Confessions of a Medical Heretic

    Confessions of a Medical Heretic

    M.D. Robert S. Mendelsohn
    ISBN: 978-0809241316
    Covers issues from unnecessary surgeries and prescribed drugs to preventive medicine and home births.
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    Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA’s B...

    Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA’s Betrayal of America

    Byron J. Richards
    ISBN: 978-1933927176
    Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America is a stunning exposé into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street, and drug companies. At stake is the health and well-being of all Americans. Adverse reactions, even deaths, are hidden while dangerous drugs are pushed on Americans, especially children simply for profit.
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    Freedom of Informed Choice: FDA Versus Nutrient S...

    Freedom of Informed Choice: FDA Versus Nutrient Supplements

    Durk Pearson, Sandy Shaw
    ISBN: 978-0963624901
    Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw are two leading independent experts in anti-aging research and brain biochemistry. Since 1968, they have been pioneers in the life extension field. Among other best sellers, Durk & Sandy are the authors of "Freedom of Informed Choice: FDA Versus Nutrient Supplements" that discusses constitutional and scientific issues relating to the FDA's regulation of the dissemination of scientific information.
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    Health in the 21st Century

    Health in the 21st Century

    Francisco Contreras, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1579460006
    If you are healthy, this book provides important information that will help you keep your health and keep it for a long time! For those who have ears to hear, Health in the 21st Century has significant things to say. It holds the potential to change your life forever!
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    Mad Cows and Milk Gate

    Mad Cows and Milk Gate

    Virgil Hulse, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0965437707
    It is only common sense to recognize that when we consume a fluid that has been emitted from an animal, or the actual flesh itself, we are at risk for whatever ailed the animal. The implications of this suggestion are so enormous. The dairy and meat industries have clung to the idea that it has not been proven that the species barrier could be crossed may be a fatal conclusion.
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    Murder by Injection

    Murder by Injection

    Eustace Mullins
    ISBN: 978-0880606943
    Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their ''behavioural control'' over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues.
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    On the Take: How Medicines Complicity with Big Bu...

    On the Take: How Medicines Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health

    Jerome P. Kassirer
    ISBN: 978-0195300048
    In On the Take, Dr. Jerome Kassirer offers an unsettling look at the pervasive payoffs that physicians take from big drug companies and other medical suppliers, arguing that the billion-dollar onslaught of industry money has deflected many physicians' moral compasses and directly impacted the everyday care we receive from the doctors and institutions we trust most.
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    Politics in Healing

    Politics in Healing

    Daniel Haley
    ISBN: 978-0970115003
    Haley gathers 12 medical outsiders' stories to support his theory that the AMA, FDA, and big pharmaceutical companies conspire to prevent new ideas from entering medical research and practice.
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    Prescription for Profits : How the Pharmaceutical...

    Prescription for Profits : How the Pharmaceutical Industry Bankrolled the Unholy Marriage Between Science and Business

    Linda Marsa
    ISBN: 978-0684800028
    A history of the pharmaceutical industry in the United States and the people who drove its rise reveals the early days of the mass production of penicillin, when scientists willingly shared their information, to today, when concerns about profit shape research into cures for AIDS and cancer.
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    Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alte...

    Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives

    James P. Carter
    ISBN: 978-1878901323
    Dr. Carter reveals how corruption and greed in the medical industry have resulted in the suppression of viable alternatives for health.
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    Reclaiming Our Health

    Reclaiming Our Health

    John Robbins
    ISBN: 978-0915811694
    Elaborately researched and fluidly written, Reclaiming Our Health is a provocative and crystal-clear commentary on one of the most complex issues facing America today - national health care. In an epic look at the human and financial consequences of the polarization of traditional and alternative medicine, John Robbins calls for nothing short of a revolution in the basic beliefs on which traditional health care is provided.
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    Rockefeller Medicine Men – Medicine and Cap...

    Rockefeller Medicine Men – Medicine and Capitalism in America

    E. Richard Brown
    ISBN: B00AUG4A4G
    Medicine and capitalism in America.
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    Severed Trust: Why American Medicine Hasn’t...

    Severed Trust: Why American Medicine Hasn’t Been Fixed

    George D. Lundberg
    ISBN: 978-0465042920
    This no-holds-barred book includes a new chapter presenting a comprehensive, politically achievable, private-public solution to the health care dilemma-one that preserves the best of the present system, eliminates the worst current problems, and represents our nation's last best chance to contain costs without a government takeover of medicine.
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    Suppressed Medical Science: The Key to Lower Cost...

    Suppressed Medical Science: The Key to Lower Cost and Higher Quality Medical Care

    Jack Phillips
    ISBN: 978-1591520771
    In Suppressed Medical Science: The Key to Lower Cost and Higher Quality Medical Care, the Harvard- and MIT-educated former chemical engineer and aerospace technologist takes a careful look at health care in America and draws some startling conclusions.
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    The Assault on Medical Freedom

    The Assault on Medical Freedom

    P. Joseph Lisa
    ISBN: 978-1571740038
    This book really paints the picture of the deception perpetrated upon the public by those purporting to be working for the public good. From this we can see how, even after the AMA got their hands swacked but good, that the AMA anti-competition conspiracy continues to this day in full swing. They just moved the movement sideways a little to protect themselves.
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    The Cancer Industry

    The Cancer Industry

    Ralph W. Moss
    ISBN: 978-1881025092
    This gripping and controversial classic exposes the political and economic forces inside the cancer establishment.

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