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  • A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines and Sur...

    A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines and Surviving the Coming Pharmaceutical Monopoly

    Michael Farley, Ty Bollinger
    ISBN: 978-0978806538
    This full-color book contains vivid photos of over 100 of the most important medicinal herbs, with detailed information on habitat and description, parts used, vitamins contained, traditional uses, self-help uses, and active components on each herb. This book will help the consumer of herbs, as well as physicians, learn to use herbs responsibly and knowledgeably. It will also enable the patient and physician to work together toward a safe program that will benefit all parties. In an emergency, the knowledge gained from this book may actually save your life!
  • A Physicians Guide to Natural Health Products Tha...

    A Physicians Guide to Natural Health Products That Work

    James A. Howenstine
    ISBN: 978-0970568489
    An important book from a noted medical doctor. Dr. Howenstine describes exactly what natural health products work for specific diseases. A scientifically-trained medical doctor, he spans the gap between medical science and natural health products.
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    Alkalize or Die

    Alkalize or Die

    Theodore A. Baroody
    ISBN: 978-0961959531
    By following the guidelines in this book you can evaluate your alkaline/acid situation, determine a course of correction, and achieve a high level of vitality and strength. Includes a 21-day meal plan.
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    Alternative Medicine—The Definitive Guide

    Alternative Medicine—The Definitive Guide

    Burton Goldburg
    ISBN: 978-0963633439
    This encyclopedia puts all the schools of alternative medicine under one roof. The Guide is packed with lifesaving information and alternative treatments from 380 of the world's leading physicians. Over 200 serious health conditions--from cancer to obesity, heart disease to PMS--are covered. This book also gives you dozens of actual patient stories and physician treatments to show you how this medicine really works.
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    Alternative Revelations, Knowledge is the Beginni...

    Alternative Revelations, Knowledge is the Beginning of the Cure

    Linda Emmanuel
    ISBN: 978-1505257540
    For over 100 years information has been suppressed about effective treatments for cancer and disease. In the pages of this book, the author explains the real cause of cancer and disease and also reveals effective treatments. She also explains why people are getting sick and how to get well and stay well. Answers to questions that have puzzled the medical profession are in this book. It is a must read for anyone seeking the truth about cancer and disease.
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    Alternatives in Cancer Therapy

    Alternatives in Cancer Therapy

    Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-0671796235
    Non-traditional therapies can enhance the quality of life, and improve overall health while treating the disease. Alternatives in Cancer Therapy provides information on the research, efficacy, potential side effects, and availability of each treatment.
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    America’s Best Cancer Doctors and Their Sec...

    America’s Best Cancer Doctors and Their Secrets

    Frank Cousineau, Andrew Scholberg
    ISBN: 978-1495116537
    An insider's guide to the best alternative cancer doctors in the U.S. This Special Report gives you critical information about alternative cancer doctors and their clinics that the FDA and the drug industry don't want you to know about. You'll discover 16 doctors right here in the U.S. that are curing cancer using safe, alternative treatments... NO disfiguring surgery, NO burning radiation, and NO poisonous chemo. These doctors and their hidden clinics are quietly saving the lives of countless cancer victims... even those with hopeless cancers.
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    Beating Cancer Gently

    Beating Cancer Gently

    Bill Henderson
    ISBN: 978-1601451835
    Bill Henderson has helped thousands of people all over the world heal their cancers. This latest book gives you a precise regimen for self-treatment along with extensive information on other resources now available to you.
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    Better Health in 120 Days

    Better Health in 120 Days

    Dr. Glen Aukerman
    ISBN: 978-1590980125
    In this book, you will meet Dr. Glen Aukerman and a few of his patients, learn about the work he is doing, and how you can use his WEE Protocol to find your way back to optimal health. The WEE Protocol is not a diet, although it will change the foods that you eat. It is a whole-body approach to wellness. It is based on research, both traditional science and evidence-based research, and it can save your life.
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    Cancer Breakthrough USA

    Cancer Breakthrough USA

    Frank Cousineau
    ISBN: 978-1424344963
    Little-known American Clinics that Turn Around Even "hopeless" Cancer Cases.
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    Cancer Diagnosis: What to Do Next

    Cancer Diagnosis: What to Do Next

    W. John Diamond, M.D. & W. Lee Cowden, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1887299404
    The complete guide to early detection and prevention of cancer and with proven safe and nontoxic treatments.
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    Cancer: Curing the Incurable Without Surgery, Che...

    Cancer: Curing the Incurable Without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation

    Dr. William Donald Kelley, Fred Rohe
    ISBN: 978-0970429001
    In this book, you will read why Dr. Kelley believed no one ideal diet suits everyone and how he developed ten basic diets for his patients ranging from vegetarian to carnivore. You will also learn the underlying rationale for Dr. Kelley's precise use of nutritional supplements including pancreatic enzymes, which provided the main anti-cancer effect of his therapy.
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    Conventional Medicine vs. Holistic: A World of Di...

    Conventional Medicine vs. Holistic: A World of Difference

    Dr. Tim O'Shea
    ISBN: 978-1929487011
    This book cites references that track the historical progression leading to the present crisis we see in the health industry today.
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    Forbidden Medicine

    Forbidden Medicine

    Ellen Brown
    ISBN: 978-0979560835
    This is the true story of a man who cured himself of a near-fatal cancer after conventional medicine had mutilated and then abandoned him. He spent the next thirty years helping others with the disease. In the struggle to keep his clinic open, he faced raids and robberies, a near-fatal beating, a kidnapping, and a prison sentence many called justice gone wrong. The details of his therapies, and the history and vicissitudes of the non-traditional health care movement that his life personifies, are woven throughout his story.
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    Healing Cancer from the Inside Out

    Healing Cancer from the Inside Out

    Mike Anderson
    ISBN: 978-0972659055
    The book is not only easy to read, but entertaining and inspirational. For anyone with an interest in cancer - or anyone interested in their health - this book delivers the goods. It may, in fact, be one of the most important books you'll ever read.
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    Lessons from The Miracle Doctors: A Step-by-Step ...

    Lessons from The Miracle Doctors: A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimum Health and Relief from Catastrophic Illness

    Jon Barron
    ISBN: 978-1591202240
    Holistic healers, herbalists, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world are perfoming miracles on a daily basis. Thousands of people have come to these miracle doctors certain they were terminally ill and have left perfectly healthy. Now the secrets of these miracle doctors are revealed in a step-by-step program that allows you to take back control of your health and well being.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Options—The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book

    Options—The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book

    Richard Walters
    ISBN: 978-0895295101
    Describes and explains biologic, drug, immune, metabolic, herbal, energy, nutritional, and adjunctive treatments.
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    Reclaiming Our Health

    Reclaiming Our Health

    John Robbins
    ISBN: 978-0915811694
    Elaborately researched and fluidly written, Reclaiming Our Health is a provocative and crystal-clear commentary on one of the most complex issues facing America today - national health care. In an epic look at the human and financial consequences of the polarization of traditional and alternative medicine, John Robbins calls for nothing short of a revolution in the basic beliefs on which traditional health care is provided.
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    Solved: The Riddle of Illness

    Solved: The Riddle of Illness

    Stephen E. Langer
    ISBN: 978-0071470575
    In this new edition, you will discover how to determine if you suffer from low thyroid function; how to differentiate between low thyroid function and hypoglycemia; how to use simple, inexpensive treatments; and much more.
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    Spontaneous Healing

    Spontaneous Healing

    Andrew Weil, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0804117944
    Drawing on fascinating case histories from his own practice as well as medical techniques he has observed in his travels around the world, Dr. Weil shows how the mechanisms of self-diagnosis and self-regeneration have worked to resolve life-threatening diseases, severe trauma, and chronic pain

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