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  • An Inflammation Nation

    An Inflammation Nation

    An Inflammation Nation

    Dr. Sunil Pai
    ISBN: 9780692514870
    Changing your daily routine and eating habits to restore and maintain your health can be challenging. But compared to surgery or extensive drug regimens with debilitating side effects, the effort is decidedly worth it. Here to make things a bit easier, Dr. Sunil Pai presents a 10-step guide to help you prevent and treat disease through diet and lifestyle changes, as well as through the use of natural anti-inflammatories. With extensive information on the production of food, pharmaceuticals, and dietary supplements, this remarkable resource pulls back the veil on what’s really in the foods and products you consume daily -- and how they’re affecting your health.
  • Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin

    Beating Cancer with Nutrition

    Beating Cancer with Nutrition

    Patrick Quillin, Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-0963837295
    A well-nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease. Cancer is the number two cause of death in America and the developed nations of the world with one out of four dying from cancer and 38% of women and 43% of men projected to develop cancer over their lifetime. While the overall death rate from cancer has not appreciably declined since the start of the multi-trillion dollar war on cancer in 1971, there is good news from the nutrition arena. Optimal nutrition can reduce the risks of developing cancer by up to 90%, hence it is a strong preventative tool for everyone.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer Secrets

    Cancer Secrets

    Jonathan Stegall
    ISBN: B07B2LZ7NF
    Until now, cancer patients and their families did not have a reliable resource for optimally treating cancer. In this breakthrough book, Cancer Secrets, you will learn critical information about what cancer is (and is not) and how to best treat it using the best that both modern medicine and alternative medicine have to offer. Integrative oncologist Dr. Jonathan Stegall provides a long-awaited and much-needed remedy for our cancer problem. This book is a "must have" if you or a loved one is fighting cancer!
  • Conquering Cancer: Volume One – 50 Pancreat...

    Conquering Cancer: Volume One – 50 Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Patients on The Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol

    M.D. Nicholas J. Gonzalez
    ISBN: 978-0982196557
    The book provides an in-depth analysis of the Gonzalez Protocol in both theory and practice, with fifty representative patients with biopsy-proven pancreatic or breast cancer.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Defeat Cancer: 15 Doctors of Integrative & N...

    Defeat Cancer: 15 Doctors of Integrative & Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How

    Connie Strasheim
    ISBN: 978-0982513828
    In this long-awaited book, health care journalist Connie Strasheim has done all the work for you. She conducted intensive interviews with fifteen highly regarded doctors who specialize in cancer treatment, asking them thoughtful, important questions, and then spent months compiling their information into organized, user-friendly chapters that contain the core principles upon which they base their approach to healing cancer.
  • Hope for Cancer: 7 Principles to Remove Fear and ...

    Hope for Cancer: 7 Principles to Remove Fear and Empower Your Healing Journey

    Antonio Jimenez N.D M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1732903302
    A revolutionary treatment approach rooted in science-based, integrative medicine, Hope for Cancer: 7 Principles to Remove Fear and Empower Your Healing Journey is a step-by-step guidebook that gives you the tools and knowledge to start healing from cancer NOW with confidence.
  • Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System: The S...

    Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System: The Scientific Foundations of the Gonzalez Protocol

    Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
    ISBN: 978-0998546001
    Discover the secret of how different nutrients regulate the nervous system. Have you ever wondered why "one size fits all" diets don't work for everyone? We are all unique individuals. Learn how a personalized diet and nutritional supplement program promotes good health by balancing the functions of the autonomic nervous system. In addition to winning the 2018 Book Excellence Award in the "Diet & Nutrition" category, this book was a finalist in the "Health: Diet & Exercise" category of the 2017 Best Book Awards.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause

    Stop Fighting Cancer and Start Treating the Cause

    Dr. Kevin S. Connors
    ISBN: 978-1470176112
    Cancer is a very scary word; but it doesn't have to be. Conventional approaches are aimed at de-bulking a growing cancer, never addressing what drives it. Why do I have cancer? Is there a cause that needs to be addressed? This book will help answer these questions and give hope beyond standard medical approaches.
  • The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments

    The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs

    The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs

    David Allen
    The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs & Forbidden Treatments is a document of immeasurable proportions. Following years of exhaustive research into a range of alternative treatments from Nutrition to Chinese Medicine to Herbal Medicine to high-tech breakthroughs, The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs is an assemblage of a veritable wealth of possibilities for virtually every major affliction known to humanity.
  • 100 Questions & Answers About Prostate Cancer

    100 Questions & Answers About Prostate Cancer

    Pamela Ellsworth
    ISBN: 978-1284052442
    100 Questions & Answers About Prostate Cancer provides authoritative and practical answers to the most common questions asked by patients and their loved ones. Providing both doctor and patient perspectives, this easy-to-read book is a comprehensive guide to the basics of prostate cancer, risk factors and prevention, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and life after diagnosis. Written by Dr. Pamela Ellsworth, a prominent urologist and best-selling author, Questions & Answers About Prostate Cancer is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning what to expect after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  • 101 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice

    101 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice

    Isa Navarre
    ISBN: 978-1933057248
    This handbook of oral, topical and internal applications and procedures offers specific doses and step-by-step procedures for taking Noni juice the way your body needs it. Learn how to use noni for everything from rashes to headaches. With the help of this book, anyone who has discovered the wonders of noni will be able to more fully access the benefits of this amazing fruit!
  • 32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer: Create A Body in Whic...

    32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer: Create A Body in Which Cancer Cannot Thrive

    Chilkov Lac OMD, Dr. Nalini
    ISBN: 978-1500323462
    32 Ways To OutSmart Cancer, Create A Body In Which Cancer Cannot Thrive, is the definitive step-by-step roadmap to a cancer-free life. Get access to the same time tested recommendations Dr. Chilkov has made available to her exclusive celebrity patients for over 30 years. This transformational guide is for people living with and recovering from cancer and those who do not want to get cancer in the first place. Learn how to turn on your cancer fighting genes so that you can live long and live well!
  • 360 Health: Your Guide to Cancer Prevention, Heal...

    360 Health: Your Guide to Cancer Prevention, Healing Foods, & Total Body Wellness

    Kimberly Maravich
    ISBN: 978-1974431687
    360 Health, a comprehensive wellness guide, will walk you through various ways to create your healthiest body, one in which cancer and major disease cannot easily thrive. The book will teach you which foods are anti-angiogenic (cancer preventative) and which foods foster cancer growth.
  • 50 Days of Hope: Daily Inspiration for Your Journ...

    50 Days of Hope: Daily Inspiration for Your Journey through Cancer

    Lynn Eib
    ISBN: 978-1414364490
    You’ve just heard a diagnosis that shakes your world: It's cancer. And what you long for most is the hope that everything will be okay. You are not alone. As a longtime cancer survivor, Lynn Eib knows firsthand how that feels. And as a patient advocate helping thousands facing cancer, she also knows what gives people hope. In 50 Days of Hope, Lynn shares amazing, true stories of those who have been in your shoes and discovered that when God and cancer meet, hope is never far away. Whether you’re a cancer patient or walking with a loved one on a cancer journey, you’ll find 50 Days of Hope packed with the daily dose of encouragement you need.
  • A Call to Action

    A Call to Action

    Geoffrey E. Moore
    ISBN: 978-0964642539
    A Call to Action tells the story of Michael Milken's recent philanthropy, which led Fortune magazine to call him The Man Who Changed Medicine. Twenty years after he first became involved in supporting medical research in the 1970s, Milken formed the Prostate Cancer Foundation to jumpstart progress against that disease, which strikes one of every six men. This book shows how Milken's uniquely well-conceived strategy has helped to save thousands of lives. More than a simple history of an organization that has helped improve the odds for millions of men to beat prostate cancer, it is a guide to building any organization with the objective of overcoming a formidable challenge.
  • A Cancer in the Family: Take Control of Your Gene...

    A Cancer in the Family: Take Control of Your Generic Inheritance

    Theodora Ross MD PhD
    ISBN: 978-0147516909
    Using her own family’s story, the latest science of cancer genetics, and her experience as a practicing physician, Ross shows readers how to spot the patterns of inherited cancer, how to get tested for cancer-causing genes, and what to do if you have one. With a foreword by Siddartha Mukherjee, prize winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies, this will be the first authoritative, go-to for people facing inherited cancer, this book empowers readers to face their genetic heritage without fear and to make decisions that will keep them and their families healthy.
  • A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the ...

    A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy

    Max Gerson
    ISBN: 978-0961152628
    In this landmark book, Dr. Gerson discusses the research, theory, and practice of his controversial therapy to treat cancer. Cases are documented with X-ray photographs, before and after.
  • A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines and Sur...

    A Guide to Understanding Herbal Medicines and Surviving the Coming Pharmaceutical Monopoly

    Michael Farley, Ty Bollinger
    ISBN: 978-0978806538
    This full-color book contains vivid photos of over 100 of the most important medicinal herbs, with detailed information on habitat and description, parts used, vitamins contained, traditional uses, self-help uses, and active components on each herb. This book will help the consumer of herbs, as well as physicians, learn to use herbs responsibly and knowledgeably. It will also enable the patient and physician to work together toward a safe program that will benefit all parties. In an emergency, the knowledge gained from this book may actually save your life!
  • A Physicians Guide to Natural Health Products Tha...

    A Physicians Guide to Natural Health Products That Work

    James A. Howenstine
    ISBN: 978-0970568489
    An important book from a noted medical doctor. Dr. Howenstine describes exactly what natural health products work for specific diseases. A scientifically-trained medical doctor, he spans the gap between medical science and natural health products.
  • A Race for Life

    A Race for Life

    Ruth Heidrich, Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-1930051003
    In her mid-forties, Ruth Heidrich was diagnosed with breast cancer. After undergoing a double mastectomy, she challenged herself to the punishing Ironman Triathlon, a test of endurance involving a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile marathon run. Twenty years later, Heidrich is still running, cancer-free, and positive about life. This is her story. She describes her fight with cancer, the healing powers of proper nutrition, and the rewards of running the toughest races in the world.

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