Treatment Centers that offer Gerson Therapy
5 Treatment Centers that offer Gerson Therapy
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What is a verified or partner clinic?
Cancer Tutor’s verified and partner clinics reflect the lifeblood of cancer patients needing dependable resources. The goal is to connect patients with credible doctors and healthcare professionals around the world. We do due diligence on behalf of cancer patients, determining which centers are best suited to reach remission or no evidence of disease, adjunctive therapies, and address quality of life issues.
Cancer Tutor’s verified and partner clinics are required to undergo a rigorous and diverse pre-qualification strategy. Verified clinic applicants are subjected to a 150-question application, providing five references for 5-year cancer survivors they’ve treated, five patients that have enrolled in the past year, have treated cancer patients for at least 10 years, and a 2-day onsite inspection of the facility, staff, and services which confirm findings within the 150 questions.