Susan Rohr’s Brookfield Health & Wellness offers diverse array of energy and oxygen healing modalities
Susan Rohr has an extensive and diverse background in working with Lyme and tick-borne disease. Among others, she has studied with Dr. Dietrick Klinghardt, Dr. Ann Carson, and Dr. Michael Payne. Her clinic, Brookfield Health & Wellness in Brookfield, Wisconsin, has been qualified as a Cancer Tutor clinic.
Rohr is an energy medicine expert and has established a diverse, unique, and impressive array of energy healing modalities. These modalities make Brookfield Health & Wellness one of the few clinics in the country capable of treating cancer and other immune system dysfunctions of the body with energy and oxygen modalities.
The healing model at Brookfield Health & Wellness is based on identifying the root cause of illness and then applying some of the world's most innovative energy technologies with the inspiration of divine intervention. It is Rohr's personal history with overcoming Lyme disease that inspires her pursuits as a teacher and motivator to search for the healing path solution for each individual patient. Her goal is to help people thrive, not just survive.
Why did you go into natural health care?
Susan Rohr: My own personal battle with Lyme disease. Nine years ago, I was dying from Lyme disease. I had Parkinson's and ALS symptoms. I was literally passing out 16 times a day. I'd spent two weeks in intensive care. It really was a journey of getting to the brink of death, if you will. Traditional Western medicine at that time, it was nine years ago, did not recognize Lyme. It didn't really understand the nuances of Lyme and still, it's a very complex disease, multi-systemic disease process.
I started looking into technology that may help me. It's really through God's grace that I had a book land on my lap — and I could hardly read — but for whatever reason, this book, I was able to assimilate and I found the Ondamed, which is a German piece of equipment that uses biophysics.

“No one person feels the same way [as another]. It is really in looking at each person as an individual that we have such great success at the clinic.”
Susan Rohr
Brookfield Health & Wellness
It was talked about in a protocol book. They were talking about how it calms down the central nervous system. At that time, my tremors were so bad, I couldn't even hold a cup of water. It would spill all over the place; I looked like a Parkinson's patient. I just wanted my nervous system to calm down.
I found that piece [Ondamed] and we bought it. They flew in to train me how to use it. At the time, I had a naturopathic physician that was working with me and she learned how to use it and I learned how to use it. It just kind of resonated with me and, really, that's kind of how every single piece of equipment has landed in the clinic.
Also, my husband's sister was dying of cancer. She had terminal cancer. She was the one when I came into the family that started to teach me about looking at things a different way. … I think [natural health care] was something that I was always meant to do. Now, it's just the way we live our lives.
I have a number of children that have Lyme disease. That is something that you can pass on, it is something that you can give to other people. I have a number of family members that have cancer. I've been treating cancer through all the technologies, as well. I've kind of evolved through family need and my own personal need.
Every piece of equipment in my clinic, I have a personal experience with. I use it on my own body. I use it for my own family. Some days, there will be six or seven or eight family members treating in our clinic because they know it's the best way to get well.
What are you passionate about when it comes to healing?
Susan Rohr: I think the foundation of my business is that I approach it by identifying the root cause. The technology that I have in the clinic is some of the world's most innovative energy technology that we have access to. It helps us identify what it is foundationally going on with the body, whether it be toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects., microbes, genetics.
Then we also look at mental, emotional pieces that go along with that. We customize based on the patient's needs and the patient's desires. No one person feels the same way [as another]. It is really in looking at each person, as an individual, that we have such great success at the clinic. I'm so passionate about seeing that person as they are and working with them, collaboratively. I'm the facilitator of the healing process. It's a group effort and the patient is just as important — their needs, their desires, and their vision is just as important to see. That always needs to be taken into consideration.
So I've often worked in my own kind of deal but often told this is the way you need to do it. But what happens is if it doesn't resonate, it's not going to work. So you have to get the patient's buy-in and that's very important. They have to believe that something is going to work for them. For us, it's all about root cause and customizing based on individual needs.
Before we get into the types of treatments that you offer, I'm curious: Are they primary or complementary or a combination?
Susan Rohr: I really think it's a personal choice. Some people really want to go that [integrative] route. We've had hundreds of patients that have come in and have not done any of that. They maybe have done some E17, they do the blood work, they do the select protocols. They do a number of things. We guide them with diet. We do a lot of anticancer protocols.

The Electric Human
I have all of those kinds of relationships where I can get those [tests] ordered and patients can do what they want to do. Many of our patients come in and they don't want to do that. They've already done so much of that kind of stuff and it's not working for them. We take Stage IV pancreatic and liver cancer patients, breast cancer patients and we get their tumors reduced dramatically.
Some people decide then to surgically have them removed and then they come back and continue with their therapy and it's all they have needed to do. Some people, if they aren't making the progress, then they do need to go to a tier one system — a bigger clinic that does do some of the more intensive therapies. But I'll be real frank with you, we've had amazing results with diet, antimicrobial work, oxygen, ozone, rice, or you guys like to call it electromedicine, protons, heat work.
We have a [full-spectrum infrared] proton. We do foot baths. So we do a lot of detoxes. We do coffee enemas. All of those kinds of things. The HOCATT is a new piece that we have. It's infrared. It's hyperthermia. It's LED light therapy, electrotherapy. It's a really amazing piece; it's a great piece of equipment.
Treatments at Brookfield Health & Wellness
You do a lot of things we've not heard of …
Susan Rohr: We work collaboratively with our patients to support and educate them. In doing so, we utilize the current state of the art technology. Not everything works for everyone. … We first provide a blueprint, identifying what the root-cause issues are. And really we can see what the root cause issues are. We customize the treatment plan. Then, everything starts from there. You have to approach cancer from the root.
“Patients will always come back and say, ‘Oh, Susan, if we have time could we do emotion code, body code?’ It's a joy and a privilege to be able to serve my patients and to get them where they need to be.”
If you get the immune system inspired, it's amazing how the chess pieces in your body start to change. What so amazing is, as the body starts to evolve in the healing process, we can constantly be looking at the stressors, the parasites, the disease, the emotions, the environmental toxins, the heavy metals. We can constantly see what percentage is going on in the system, what's the biggest stressor to the immune system besides cancer and we just keep taking that stressor off of the system. We do that with our technology.
Ondamed is the first piece that we got. It uses focused appeal of post electromagnetic frequency. It's a biophysical induction device. I would say biophysical induction and post electromagnetic biofeedback.
And what does Ondamed do?
Susan Rohr: It identifies underlying dysfunction in the body — identifies hidden physiology and emotional type issues within the body. There are four modules, so it tells me not only what illnesses are in the body, but where they are located in the body. You can get a sense of what percentage is in the body.
Then we can turn around with that exact same device and start jump-starting the immune system and start the healing process with those biophysical induction pulse electromagnetic biofeedback. We're using that same technology to heal the body. So during a session when a patient comes in to see me, it's usually a 90-minute to two-hour session identifying and/or treating.
It will tell me, ‘The liver is really not functioning at 50 percent.’ So as I'm working on identifying supplements for that patient, I'm treating the patient's liver. Then the patient's lymphatic system will talk. We will then use, through induction, putting energy back into the body, bringing up the vibration or the frequency of that organ system to get it to function better.
You can tell the liver isn't functioning and there's disease here. Does it do that by measuring electrical frequency — the electrical output of the body and organs?
Susan Rohr: The automatic nervous system is the system that speaks to us. First, I scan 179 things in the body. The body will give me an autonomic nervous system pulse response. So I'm working with the autonomic nervous system of the patient in a pulse and the patient's pulse will change every time the frequency resonates with the body. Then we go back and we use a form of kinesiology to determine how weak it really is.
We also use a voice-activated system called the AMP coil. It does the same thing in evaluating weaknesses, microbes, toxins.
I compare both lists. With both lists, we can prioritize. The AMP coil will tell me a percentage of weakness. You get a very critical measurement of what's going on in the body.
Sounds like Ondamed uses some neurofeedback, correct?
Susan Rohr: Neurofeedback and biofeedback are very different. Neurofeedback, we're working with the brain; the brain is the master conductor. So many of my patients come in and they're tremendously traumatized by their illness. So often we see people stuck in a specific pattern or their brains are not working because of all the chemicals that have been pumped into their system from chemotherapy. They just can't make good decisions, or there is just a great sense of trauma. So using neurofeedback has been tremendous in helping our patients heal because you get out of those patterns of unwellness. Or just the trauma of being sick and/or the brain fog that comes with chemotherapy. A number of patients come to us that have tried the chemotherapy and radiation route as well.

“So often we see people that are stuck in a specific pattern or their brains are not working because of all the chemicals that have been pumped into their system from chemotherapy.”
Susan Rohr
We use a microprocessor and an EEG, so we are working with the brain waves, specifically when we work with neurofeedback. With neurofeedback, we can't rate it the same with a sensory injury. It's been studied at UTSC [University of Toronto Scarborough] and the pilot study is finished and now there's a new study that's being done at the neuroscience program at USC [University of Southern California].
It is the most effective … 92 percent of all cases that were studied with this piece of equipment recovered from their mild to moderate brain injury and PTSD. Also, you can deal with autism, epilepsy, anxiety, headaches, focus — and concentration issues, symptoms of Alzheimer, Parkinson's. Many of our Parkinson's patients actually have an infection in their brain from tremoring. We get patients from strokes that are non-ambulatory; incontinence of bowel and bladder.
It's been amazing for infection in the brain. … There are so many things we're doing with impulse and OCD issues now. We have a lot of high-level athletes coming in to have their brains worked on. Some of them because they had their brain traumatized many, many times and others they just want to improve performance.
I'll tell you just with my own experience with neurofeedback. I herniated my spine about four and a half years ago — every single lumbar, the lower lumbar, every single one of my lumbar discs herniated. So the pain, I can't even explain it to you. It was out of this world excruciating pain. I dropped a ton of weight again. I couldn't have surgery. They told me I would literally be in a wheelchair the rest of my life.
Neurofeedback was one of the things that helped my brain get out of that stuck pattern. It's kind of the premise of what narcotics will do because it takes the brain to another place. It changes the brain's perception. Well, this literally gets the brain unstuck. To do that for chronically ill patients, it's amazing.
You start getting them out of their pattern of being stuck because sometimes that's one of their problems. It's part of their healing journey. I'll say for my Lyme patients, sometimes it's a game-changer for them. Because they've been sick for eight, nine years and they don't think they'll ever get better because that's what their brain keeps telling them. Sometimes you can't think yourself well because you've got this stuff in your brain.
It's just been a beautiful tool. Really, the tool came into the clinic because my son, Sam, played college football and he was on his fourth concussion. I was panic-stricken because he was developing CTE. He no longer has the symptoms at all of CTE.
It kind of sounds like medical intuition, like Carolyn Mace.
Susan Rohr: Yes, it's very similar. There's a lot of different technologies out there like that — adjunct therapy. It's something that I've done on my children. I've worked on our animals. I've probably been doing that for maybe five years. It's just a value-added service that I do for my patients. I don't want anything interfering with their ability to heal. Trauma is one of those things; sometimes, it's a subconscious thing. Many times the patient is not aware that it's there. I am very intuitive. It's one of those gifts that most people just don't understand. When I use it in the treatment phase, patients will always come back and say, ‘Oh, Susan, if we have time could we do emotion code, body code?’ It's a joy and a privilege to be able to serve my patients and to get them where they need to be.

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer
A combination holistic health primer and manual on Rife frequency technology, this book teaches you — in scientific but understandable terms — how Royal Rife created the technology, and the vast number of health conditions that can be helped by it, used by laypersons and health practitioners alike.
You can ask the body prior to doing emotion code and then after emotion code. You ask the body, ‘What percentages of the immune system is working?' The body will tell you if it's 25 percent, if it's whatever — and you can always get about 15 percent to 25 percent improvement in immune system function just by doing emotion code, body code in an Ondamed session.
When I'm in my phase with my patients, I'm always empowering them. I'm teaching them how to test themselves how to determine if the food is right for them, by using simple kinesiology. I'm always empowering them. It’s one of the required readings. I try to encourage patients because they can then be their own healer on some level and address some of the issues that come up because there is stuff that comes up all the time. We always want to be able to clear our space so that we can live fully and live in the present. Not with all this ball-and-chain stuff that we keep dragging around with us that gets in the way of our body's ability to do well.
One of the pieces that we have that is fairly new is called the whole body tuner. A physicist designed it, uses Baylor technology and light and sound therapy. I think there are nine different therapies in that particular piece of equipment. Lots of high-LED and light-color therapy. There's a mask that goes on you that's amazing. It gets the patient into the most peaceful state mentally and emotionally with the colored light. It's amazing. We always put the patient on that piece for about 20 minutes after the HOCATT ozone therapy.
Are there other primary therapies?
Susan Rohr: Absolutely. We have been using electromedicine in our clinic for five years. We're becoming experts in Rife. It kills microbes, but it also stimulates the body. We probably have 15 patients a day that come into the clinic and have an hour or 30 minutes of Rife, or electromedicine.
Personally, I think cancer treatment is incredibly powerful with electromedicine. We recommend our cancer patients do two to three cancer sweeps every week in the clinic.

“As desperately as you want somebody to walk the path toward wellness, some people, despite your best efforts, choose not to because it's not what they want.”
Susan Rohr
Then we have a series of other things that the patient will do afterward. A patient will do electromedicine for approximately an hour, two to three times a week. Sometimes they will come twice a week and do a 30-minute session where I have customized their protocols, so we're dealing with the underlying microbial issues.
Then the patient will move on to the proton or they'll move on to the HOCATT and do the ozone-based sauna work. Then they do a foot bath, which is highly detoxifying. We have our patients do ionic foot baths about twice a week.
The HOCATT delivers a combination of therapies. It's very, very powerful. It boosts energy and detoxifies the body down to the cellular level. The main therapy is medical ozone. There's a detoxification. It's actually broken down into several things. It's r-washed, or exercised with oxygen. Carbonic therapy, which CO2 is released. You have ozone therapy, hyperthermia, LED therapy, and electrotherapy.
What it does from a detoxification standpoint, is it inactivates viruses, bacteria. One of the greatest things it can do is focus ozone into a number of body parts. The patient can insert in a completely encapsulated chamber with privacy. Breast tissue can be focused, so cupping can be done inside the chamber with breast tissue and the prostate.
They're having dramatic, dramatic results with the HOCATT — probably the fastest healing we've seen. The HOCATT is amazing for prostate and advanced prostate cancer patients. It stimulates the immune system, obviously, and speeds healing.
The results you're getting with prostate cancer patients, how do you measure physiologically these changes? Is it accepted normal medical sense?
Susan Rohr: Absolutely. I get a lot of patients that are with physicians and they walk away from the physician. Once they get into my space, I sit down with them I say, ‘You need to have something that you can measure your results with.' Either I recommend a practitioner to them or I encourage them to become their own advocate so the physician is not pushing them around. They can get the testing that they need to so they can determine if they're making progress or not. I think that's very, very, very important.
“Sometimes what the patient wants isn't exactly what the family wants and you have to work with everybody, but you have to honor the patient and what their path is.”
Ninety-five percent of my patients that come in are working with an oncologist. They're not happy with the direction that they're going to go, but that's OK. The patient is making the decision to do something different. With MRSA, a patient can come in with a diagnosed MRSA infection and you can see the MRSA. The patient was in two sessions. It's completely scabbed over and as a nurse, I can see that there's granulation tissue and there's pain and it's healing.
Medicine is sometimes observation and symptoms. So, you rely on that as well. A patient I recently had left the world. But she was with us for 14 months. And when she came into the clinic, she was rolled into my clinic. She was diagnosed and she had done all the treatments. She had pancreatic and liver cancer. The initial area was pancreas then it moved into the liver. She couldn't even walk when she came into the clinic. She had been told to get her affairs in order.
I will tell you, she had 13 months and she did no chemotherapy after that because her doctors were done with her. But they monitored her every two weeks. There was a period of time where we completely stopped with our work, completely stopped the pancreas [cancer] from progressing. She was on airplanes, she was traveling.
She was at the clinic almost every day. She didn't need to come to the clinic, but she came to the clinic because we loved her so much … she would talk to everybody. She was an amazing, amazing woman.
On her deathbed, I saw her the week before she passed away. She said, ‘Don't ever let go of the wellness center. They're my family. They meant everything to me.' I am just as heartbroken. And her husband, I just got the most beautiful email from him. He said, ‘I imagine you were just as heartbroken as I am because she talked about you more than she ever talked about me.'
I don't do this for that, but the teacher that she was for us … about living life, loving family, having faith, all of those things. That's really the foundation of our business. All the other stuff is awesome, but the environment we create for people to heal is so important.
Sometimes it's not about curing, it's about time — the quality of that time. That is worth a lot too and sometimes even more than a ‘cure.'
Susan Rohr: It's really about us providing a beautiful aspect for them, that they actually get to enjoy the last part of their life. When we started the business, it's health and wellness. It's about helping people achieve well-being. All of a sudden, as we started taking on cancer patients and more and more cancer patients, we started to see people coming in and we helped them leave with grace and ease.
One of my children — my son and my daughter both work for me — my son, who's highly intuitive, said, ‘Mom, why are people coming in and they literally don't have a chance?' I said, ‘Because there's life here. We provide life. We provide love.' They're searching for a place. Sometimes I can't even do one thing for them, but what I do is set up hospice because they weren't going to go there because they hated the doctor
It's hard, but in the last two or three years, we've had a number of patients come in that way. You kind of get it pretty quickly what your role is. It's always about what does the patient want and learning to work with the dynamics of the family. Sometimes what the patient wants isn't exactly what the family wants and you have to work with everybody, but you have to honor the patient and what their path is.
What we do is we stay in love and we keep providing what we can.
What's the hardest lesson that this has taught you?
Susan Rohr: It's not the hardest lesson, but it was in your face: I don't have control. The only person I have control over is myself. As desperately as you want somebody to walk the path toward wellness, some people, despite your best efforts, choose not to because it's not what they want. They come in and they spend a ton of money and it's like they want to get better, but their actions speak so loudly you can't hear what they're saying. Because everything they do is not going to get them better; you can't force somebody.
So what's the best thing? What keeps you going?
Susan Rohr: Every single person that walks in the door is really a gift. I don't advertise. I know that every person that comes to me is supposed to be here and it's an honor and a privilege to be a part of their life. I truly am so honored to be a part of their life.
Everyone is a master teacher to me. Some are tough teachers but every one of them teaches me and brings me closer to my soul, and my journey, and my purpose. I am so grateful that they come in to see me, into our space, and be a part of our lives. To get the opportunity to help them get better … I love going to work every day.
Contact Susan Rohr by visiting or calling (888) 527-0820.