Webster Kehr
Webster's Recent Articles
Fucoidan is a natural product from the sea. It is a special kind of seaweed. However, because people generally do not like the taste of seaweed by itself, Fucoidan is generally mixed (by the vendor) with fruit and vegetable juices to mask the taste of seaweed. The anti-cancer effect of fucoidan has been the focus […]
Conflicts With Other Treatments Do NOT take this protocol if you are on the Budwig Diet (the Vitamin C will interfere with the Budwig Diet). Do NOT take this protocol if you are taking Protocel(R), Entlev(R), Paw Paw, or graviola (including Amazon Factor Protocol). The Vitamin C will interfere with the way these protocols work. […]
Every human being has cancer cells in their body. Most people don’t even know they have cancer cells because their immune system safely and easily kills their cancer cells as they form. In fact, as long as there is a balance between the number of new cancer cells in their body, and the strength of […]
Top 3 herbs that can help with liver damage caused by cancer The most common formula specifically for liver damage that I have seen, is the combination of:1. Milk Thistle Extract (Seeds or Fruit), with the key ingredient: Silymarin2. Dandelion Root3. Artichoke There is a superb, and free, online book that talks a lot about […]
First, let’s take a look at one particular theory about a cancer cell: The 1931 Nobel laureate in medicine, Otto Warburg, Ph.D., first discovered that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. The crux of his Nobel thesis was that malignant tumors frequently exhibit an increase in anaerobic glycolysis — […]
The Beginning of the Journey Surprisingly enough, the journey that led to this website began at a telecommunications company. Prior to my current job I worked for eight years at a major telecommunications company in Overland Park, Kansas. While there, because of my mathematics background, I got involved in a research project trying to figure […]
Top Five Cardinal Rules for Treating Cancer Naturally 1. Balance natural treatments with traditional medication, if necessary, or desired. 2. Learn what supplements contribute to specific functions and desired outcomes. 3. Your teeth matter! Learn what dental issues should be addressed. 4. Learn about cachexia and how you can manage weight loss and weakness. 5. […]
Ozone RHP Treatment (Clinic ONLY) The theory behind Ozone RHP Treatment is the ozone molecule, which consists of three oxygen molecules, is very unstable. It is always looking for a way to find a mate so that it can become two. It is for this reason that it is both active and unstable. It is […]
The Theory “In the late 1960s, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, MD, proposed that a naturally occurring and continuously functioning biochemical system in the body, distinct from the immune system, could ‘correct’ cancer cells by means of ‘special chemicals that reprogram misdirected cells.’ He called these chemicals ‘Antineoplastons,’ and defined them as naturally occurring peptides and amino […]
This eBook is more technical and detailed than the Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments. For example, it details a randomly chosen issue of the Reader’s Digest and shows that a large number of pharmaceutical advertisements correlate with a large number of articles in the magazine which glorify orthodox medicine. But the real power of this […]