Duane Cross
Duane's Recent Articles
The coronavirus pandemic continues to cause changes to our daily routines. But there is no reason for the general public to panic; no need to hoard food or supplies. Scientists and researchers around the globe are working to address the issue. Soon, we will return to the normalcy of our lives. If you have cancer, […]
If you’ve spent time researching cancer, “clinical trials” is an oft-used phrase. But what is a clinical trial? How is one started? Who can be part of a trial? Well, believe it or not, all of the above are pretty simple questions to answer. However, not all clinical trials are created equal – and there […]
Cancer survival rates are the percentage of people who survive a particular type of cancer for a specific amount of time (most often a 5-year survival rate).
We’ve all heard it: You are what you eat. For some of us, including me, that is not a good thing. But what should we eat? Plant-based diet? Keto diet? Paleo diet? Maybe one of the consumer-facing plans — Atkins, Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig? Everybody has the answer — and yes, it is confusing. […]
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you,” Ralph Waldo Emerson said. But getting from Point A to Point B, that’s life – and what you choose to do in life may increase your chance of cancer. (Spoiler alert: Your lifestyle may increase […]
Movement to demystify cannabis, medical marijuana gains traction despite longtime ‘war on drugs’
Pop culture has many iconic films featuring cannabis/marijuana — Up in Smoke, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dazed and Confused, Half Baked (and more). And despite the grass/joint/reefer-averse nature of TV, Showtime’s Weeds averaged 3.2 million weekly viewers across all platforms during its final season. Various geographic areas around the world also have recognizable terms […]
There is nothing as frustrating as trying everything you know to do to keep your immune system boosted — superfoods, supplements, new exercise routines, and more — only to end up getting sick. Immunotherapy helps restore or improve the immune system to where it can attack cancer cells. The goal of immunotherapy is for the body […]
Every day people struggle to cope with the financial burden of cancer. In fact, more than 4,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each day. No one is prepared to deal with that diagnosis from an emotional standpoint, and the vast majority are not prepared to deal with cancer from a financial angle. At Cancer Tutor, […]
In the realm of cancer, specifically breast cancer, lymphedema is rarely discussed. Nonetheless, lymphedema of the arm is one of the most common and underestimated side effects of breast cancer treatment. It is quantitatively known to negatively affect the quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Chemotherapy. Radiation. Surgery. Conventional medicine will have you believe […]