Dr. Carlos M. Garcia
Dr. Carlos Garcia's Recent Articles
Biology has everything to do with the acid and base balance within our bodies. When we are alkaline, our immune system and our well-being are favored. When we are acidic, pathology is favored. Achieving and maintaining alkalinity is key to our health. Our environment, which is composed of our physical, emotional, social and spiritual state, […]
Dr. Garcia’s complete breakdown of these 15 cancer-risk topics can be found in a two-part series on the Utopia Wellness website: Part 1 | Part 2 I am often asked what measures can a person take to minimize the risk of developing cancer or its recurrence. This list is extensive and often seems an overwhelming […]
Chelation (pronounced key-LAY-shun) therapy is an approved treatment by theU.S. Food and Drug Administration for the effective and safe removal of toxic heavy metals from the body. It involves intravenous injections of a chelating agent, EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid), a synthetic amino acid. EDTA is a remarkable arterial cleansing agent with the ability to effectively […]
Our mental state — thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes — can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are! Numerous clinical studies have been conducted that point to the fact that people who have a positive outlook on life, are optimistic, with healthy personal […]
While 50 percent of the population will get cancer, oncology does not address “why.” Dr. Carlos Garcia pops the bubble on genetics being a cause. He does, however, believe dental toxins are one cause. “We’re interested in providing good health care. We’re not interested in just treating the symptoms,” he said. Utopia Wellness also delves […]
Monday Morning Quarterbacks always have the answers; with hindsight, their 20/20 vision is what makes them part of the sick care problem — not the health care solution. Dr. Carlos Garcia and Utopia Wellness offer options for preventing illness. From colon therapy to liver and gall bladder cleanses, Dr. Garcia understands destressing organs to benefit […]
The cannabis plant as a medicinal source is not new to the educated. However, the politics associated with this plant family is riddled with controversy. As a hardier fiber, hemp should have been the preferred textile — however, it faced an uphill battle for acceptance against cotton. The cotton lobby sought and succeeded in ensnaring the hemp […]
At Utopia Wellness, I tell patients that cancer is a multifactorial chronic illness, which includes a lack of cellular oxygenation resulting in excessive intracellular acidity, a compromised immune system, systemic toxicity from poorly functioning detoxifying organs (liver, colon, kidneys), emotional issues and poor nutritional sources, especially once cancer has taken hold. Budwig history Johanna Budwig, […]