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Former First Lady Rosalyn Carter said, “There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.” In a time of need, are you prepared to care for a family member or friend? There […]
“As we follow the seven key principles, the non-toxic cancer therapies, oxygenation, detoxification, strengthening the immune system, the emotional spiritual,” says Dr. Antonio Jimenez, “let’s not forget about nutrition and of course, the microbiome. The infamous microbiome that starts in the gut but in reality, our body is a microbiome. “It’s an environment where we have […]
The culmination of Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers’ Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Antonio “Tony” Jimenez’s 30+ years of clinical experience with advanced-stage cancer patients, Hope for Cancer offers scientific insight and emotional empowerment to anyone suffering from the disease. Based on Hope4Cancer’s unique healing program, The 7 Key Principles of Cancer Therapy, Hope for Cancer […]
For Dr. Antonio Jimenez, the fight against cancer was personal. His father was diagnosed and like many others, fear of the disease was real. In his new book, Hope for Cancer: 7 Principles to Remove Fear and Empower Your Healing Journey, Dr. Tony offers the guiding principles of his Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers: NON-TOXIC CANCER THERAPIES […]
Dr. Antonio Jimenez explains that Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers “treat the person with cancer — not cancer in the person. “Simply speaking is that we want to take a holistic approach to that disease process. Of course, that includes the physical, the emotional-spiritual, and the mental. “That’s when you truly are going to have sustaining, long-term benefits […]
Dr. Antonio Jimenez has written a book, Hope for Cancer: 7 Principles to Remove Fear and Empower Your Healing Journey. These seven principles are the guiding philosophy to the treatments that Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers adhere to while they personalize regimens for patients. Dr. Tony notes, “You have the right to choose. Once you know your options, […]
Dr. Kevin Conner became fascinated with Rife technology when he was in school. Once he began treating cancer patients — “I had the brochure taped to the wall in front of my desk,” he says — it was a Holy Spirit moment. “I felt like God said, ‘What would you do if you had cancer?’” […]
As you imagine, Dr. Kevin Conners is passionate about Conners Clinic in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. It is not a large clinic — “we’re not a hospital-based clinic,” he says — rather, it is a day clinic. However, patients who visit for the clinic’s “two-day intensive” program stay at a local hotel and are at the […]
Dr. Kevin Conners believes an integrative approach is best for cancer patients. “I graduated as a chiropractor. How does that give me any credence to be doing what I’m doing right now? Well, when that first patient came with a diagnosis of cancer, that really spiked my interest in, ‘OK, I have to do everything […]
When deciding which cancer treatment is best for you, Dr. Kevin Conners notes there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. “Everything we offer will not be found in conventional medicine,” he says. “The standards of care for cancer care is basically surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, or a combination thereof, and we don’t do any of that. […]