Cancer Tutor Team
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Lung Cancer Lung cancer is a malignant (meaning it can spread to other parts of the body) tumor that begins in the cells of the lung. When cancer begins in the cells of the lung it is known as primary lung cancer. Cancers of the lung are divided into non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and […]
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Brandt Grape Cure The Brandt Grape Cure was developed in the 1920s. Many things have happened since the 1920s, including the development of many new alternative cancer treatments. Introduction to the Johanna Brandt Grape Diet Purple (Concord) grapes (with their skin and seeds), and to a slightly lesser degree red […]
Theory Behind How It Works These products come from trees in the tropical areas of South and North America.Paw Paw is claimed to work by blocking ATP production and thus reduce the voltage of the cancer cell to the point it falls apart (apoptosis or programmed cell death). Because Paw Paw and graviola are cousins, […]
The Bob Beck Protocol Explained The Bob Beck Protocol consists of four parts that work synergistically in helping the body heal itself. The protocol is named for Dr. Robert “Bob” C. Beck, D.Sc., who dedicated his life to developing personal self-health products for people to help themselves overcome sickness at home. Each element of the […]
There are two major kinds of kidney cancer: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) and Urothelial Cell Carcinoma (UCC). The recommended treatment for kidney cancer will deal with both kinds of cells, but RCC is the better-known type of kidney cancer. In fact, RCC is responsible for about 80 percent of all kidney cancers. UCC covers most […]
Melanoma begins in melanocytes which are a subtype of cells located in the basal layer of the epidermis. These cells produce melanin which is a pigment that colors the skin and is the reason moles are a brown/black color. Melanoma can eliminate melanin production which causes the mole to turn pink or white. People with […]
Bile duct cancer starts in the bile ducts, which are thin tubes between the liver and the small intestine. The ducts move bile (a greenish-brown alkaline fluid that aids digestion) from the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine, where it helps digest the fats in food. Depending on where it’s located in the bile duct system, […]
The pancreas is a large, pear-shaped organ that is part of the digestive tract. It sits high in the abdomen, behind the stomach, and joins to the common bile duct. The main function of the pancreas is to create digestive juices that help to digest food. A secondary function of the pancreas is the secretion […]
Bone cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor of the bone that destroys normal bone tissue. Not all bone tumors are malignant. In fact, benign (noncancerous) bone tumors are more common than malignant ones. Both malignant and benign bone tumors may grow and compress healthy bone tissue, but benign tumors do not spread, do not destroy […]
How It Works Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring polyphenolic constituent found in 46 different fruits and nuts such as grapes, pomegranate, red raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, and walnuts. According to some sources,“[Ellagic acid] prevents the binding of carcinogens to DNA and strengthens connective tissue, which may keep cancer cells from spreading.” (1) Ellagic Acid is […]