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Cancer Tutor's Recent Articles
Introduction: The Ultimate Simple Protocol for Cancer #1) The Bob Wright Protocol Theory: The Bob Wright Protocol is a highly alkaline protocol and is based on Kangan Water. By killing the microbes inside the cancer cells the cancer cells are theorized to revert into normal cells. Here is the article about this protocol: Bob Wright […]
A note on PSA testing: Prostate cancer, meaning cancer of the prostate gland, is a common adenocarcinoma in men. The probability of getting prostate cancer rises with age. It is generally treated by surgically removing the small prostate gland or with radiation. It is generally detected by high PSA levels and / or by surgical […]
Ten years ago, if you had heard the word cannabis, you may have had a preconceived notion in your head who might be using this crazy plant. Maybe the vivid picture in your head was of Cheech and Chong in a cloud of smoke hanging out with Willie Nelson passing the symbolic joint around. However, […]
WARNING : Users of Black Salve or other escharotics should check the legality of these products in their country or political jurisdiction. Cancer Tutor does NOT currently recommend Black Salve for topical, or any other use at this time. If you decide to use Black Salve, escharotics or any other alternative protocol, they assume all […]
A cancer prevention program is generally a cancer treatment which is simple to use, inexpensive, and can be used indefinitely without worrying about alkalinity, etc. The key is the word “indefinite.” This implies it is not too expensive, is easy to use and there are no restrictions on using the protocol for long periods of […]
Essiac Tea is an herbal tea – a natural supplement – with four specific ingredients: Burdock plant root, Sheep sorrel plant, Slippery Elm tree inner bark, and Turkey Rhubarb root. Essiac is regarded as a natural detox method. Rene Caisse (Essiac is her surname spelled backward) brought the tea to prominence in the 1930s, touting […]
Amygdalin. Vitamin B-17. Laetrile. For many people, the names are interchangeable. But there are distinct differences. Amygdalin is a natural substance that’s found in raw nuts like almonds and the seeds and kernels of many fruits, particularly apricots. It’s also present in lima beans, clover, sorghum and many other things. (You’ll find an extensive list […]
About the Perfect Storm Protocol Theory: This protocol is based on the theory that is necessary to revert cancer cells into normal cells by inhibiting growth of cancer causing microbes. Electropulsing is used as an agent to directly target the microbes inside the cell. The High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier Theory: This device […]
Introduction The immune system is critical when fighting cancer. Theories behind some natural cancer protocols:: 1) Kill microbes and parasites in the organs (this called a “liver flush”). These microbes and parasites are claimed to be responsible for weakening the organs and the immune system. These microbes and parasites in the organs also theorized to […]