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Near Ultraviolet Light Protocol (UVA Protocol)


WARNING #1: The heat generated by the UVA lamps will increase blood circulation.

WARNING #2: Do NOT use UVB bulbs. They can burn skin. That wavelength can also cause irreversible eye damage if you look at the source.

WARNING #3: Do NOT look directly at a UVA bulb. Sunglasses are recommended.

WARNING #4: This protocol will kill microbes as they are circulating in the bloodstream. If you do not follow the “build-up” (meaning it takes several days before the full times using the lights are reached, you may get Herxheimer Reaction, meaning harmless brain fog (this will be discussed below). Follow the “build-up” very carefully.

WARNING #5: In any room where there will be ultraviolet light, there should NOT be any plastic storage bins or any other type of plastic. These should be covered with thick cloth during treatment to prevent the ultraviolet light from releasing toxic fumes from the plastic, especially clear plastic.

WARNING #6: This treatment has the potential to create severe dehydration because ultraviolet light pulls fluids from the skin. Symptoms of dehydration are similar to chemical poisoning; a feeling you are going to collapse, a feeling of weakness, a general sick feeling, etc. This is easily dealt with if you follow the instructions. The instructions will tell you to put damp cloths on the skin directly after each “session.”

WARNING #7: One cancer patient reported that the ultraviolet light may have “melted” one or more of her dental amalgam fillings or at least contributed to mercury poisoning. This is a possibility. If you have dental amalgam in your teeth, which almost everyone does, use a surgeon's mask or a piece of cardboard so that the light from the UVA lamps does not shine on your mouth or nose.

WARNING #8: One person told me that ultraviolet light may “break off” a piece of tumor, which could go through the bloodstream and cause a heart attack. I don't know how much of a risk this is, but I do recommend that if the patient has tumors, even internal tumors, that a piece of cloth should be placed between the UVA lamps and the tumors such that there is no way that the UVA light can shine on the tumor (whether internal or external).

Overview of the Near Ultraviolet Light Protocol (UVA Protocol)

This treatment is said to be effective because it kills massive numbers of microbes very quickly. Because of this, it has been known to created a common discomfort called Herxheimer Reaction. “Herx” can make a patient feel very ill. However, this is a temporary discomfort.

This protocol works at least partially on the same principle as the Bob Beck Protocol for cancer. The Bob Beck Protocol is said to kill microbes as they are circulating in the bloodstream. That is exactly what this protocol is believed to do, only this protocol uses ultraviolet light to kill these microbes, not an electrical current.

What Dr. Beck believed is that if you kill all of the microbes in the bloodstream the immune system will be supercharged and will be able to kill the cancer cells. See the “Bob Beck” videos on YouTube for Granada and Ventura.

An advanced cancer patient should not depend on the Bob Beck protocol to cure their cancer as building the immune system in this manner is a slow process. However, this protocol does things the Bob Beck does not do.


There are two books on understanding the use of ultraviolet light in the treatment of microbial diseases:

There are three levels of ultraviolet light. UVC or UV-C, while technically not visible, is very dangerous to look at. The sun emits this kind of light and that is why we cannot stare into the sun. UVB or UV-B is the middle range of ultraviolet light. It is not good to look at this kind of light, but it is not as dangerous as UVC. UVA or UV-A is the near ultraviolet light and is the safest to deal with, though it is not safe to stare directly into UVA light for very long. UVA bulbs are also called “black lights” and are used in nightclubs to generate special lighting effects.

Primarily in the 1940s and 1950s, ultraviolet light was routinely used to cure many kinds of microbial diseases; including staph infections, viral pneumonia, and among others. While a treatment such as this that has cured microbial diseases, there is no guarantee that the treatment will cure cancer.

The major process to cure microbial diseases in the 1940s and 1950s was to extract blood from the patient and then flood the blood with UVC light, with some UVB light, and with less UVA ultraviolet light. Then the blood would be put back into the patient.

Today, there are clinics that use blood extraction with ultraviolet light. Using Google it is called UVBI or Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation or Photoluminescence, Hematologic Oxidative Therapy, etc.

Also, for staph infections, it was critical that the patient not be on any sulfur/sulfa drugs. If a staph patient (e.g. MRSA) is on any drugs they need to make sure the drugs do not contain any sulfur/sulfa components. This may (this is unknown) mean they should not be using DMSO or MSM with this treatment, but we are not sure. For now, do not use DMSO or MSM protocols with this treatment (i.e. do NOT use MSM/LIPH with this treatment).

The Theory of this Protocol

Hemoglobin, meaning red blood cells, vibrate when they are exposed to ultraviolet light. It is probably the porphyrin molecule (with iron at its center), within the hemoglobin, which is vibrating, but no one knows for sure.

Regardless of what is vibrating, the interesting thing is that when the red blood cells are no longer exposed to the light (such as when the blood is put back into the body) the hemoglobin is believed to continue to vibrate. Thus, for a certain length of time (no doubt depending on several factors, but most likely the light intensity and exposure time) each red blood cell which has been exposed to ultraviolet light becomes a small beacon of ultraviolet light in the body (Note: “light” is actually just a frequency, such as radio frequencies, but our eyes are designed to “see” the frequencies of visible light).

The term commonly used is to say that the hemoglobin “remembers” or “stores” the frequency, but most likely what is happening is that the hemoglobin simply continues to vibrate. It apparently does not “remember” the frequency for more than a few hours or perhaps for a little more than a day or two. While most microbial diseases include microbes in the bloodstream, the microbes which cause cancer are actually inside of the cancer cells. Technically they are called “highly pleomorphic cell wall deficient bacteria.” The hemoglobin, after being put back into the body, after UVBI therapy, was able to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and thus was able to cure cancer (the cancer cells reverted to normal cells and thus they were no longer cancer cells).

When trying to cure cancer, and dealing with an anti-microbial substance, it is critical to understand whether the substance which can kill microbes “gets inside” the cancer cells in order to kill the microbes which are inside the cancer cells. While hemoglobin itself does not get inside of cancer cells, for some unknown reason it is able to kill microbes which are inside the cancer cells as it passes by the cell on the outside surface of the cell. Every cell, even cancer cells, need access to the oxygen in red blood cells.

The reason UV light can kill microbes is that microbes contain an abnormally high level of light sensitive (i.e. photosensitive) substances (such as light sensitive amino acids). Thus, they are very prone to being killed by hemoglobin which is vibrating at ultraviolet light frequencies. Also, microbes are usually vastly smaller than human cells – making them more vulnerable to light vibrations. Every red blood cell contains millions of hemoglobin molecules.

Chemistry is all about molecular energy, vibrations and the angular relationships of atoms within molecules. Chemists typically deny the importance of these three items and deny that some atomic structures (i.e. 3D angular relationships), such as hemoglobin, can “remember” vibrations. This is programmed ignorance because, as one example, synthetic drugs cannot exactly match the angular relationships of natural molecules, which is why synthetic drugs are frequently highly toxic.

Even the simple water molecule has been shown over and over again to “remember” certain frequencies, meaning either the water molecules are charged with energy or continue to vibrate or their molecular structure was temporarily or permanently changed. One highly successful cancer protocol which caused water to “remember” frequencies, which was shut down the FDA, used the Royal Rife frequencies (e.g. 1.604 MHz).

Homeopaths have been using altered water for many decades. LIPH, which is mentioned on this website, is actually a homeopathic product. In fact, it appears that water can “remember” certain frequencies for many years. This is an indication there may be a change in the angular relationship of the atoms, which is probably more permanent than an energy level or vibration could be.

What Is Herxheimer Reaction?

Herxheimer Reaction (also known as Jarisch-Herxheimer), is a reaction of the body to the toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. released by a large number of dead microbes. Herx typically has one or more of these symptoms.

  1. Flu-like symptoms (e.g. aches and pains),
  2. Diarrhea (almost always happens),
  3. A general sick feeling (can be severe),
  4. Headaches or temporary brain fog

Microbes are believed to be very acidic. When they are killed acidic waste is created in the blood. This acidic waste, as it passes through the brain, blocks brain signaling. Much of the signaling in the brain is similar to a radio tower. It is the blocking of the brain signaling in the brain that creates Herxheimers.

The main method believed to prevent Herx is to “build up” the time on the treatment; meaning gradually increase the time on treatment so that a gradually increasing number of microbes are killed each day. For example, microbes killed in the first and second day are no longer available to be killed when the complete protocol begins. Their toxins hopefully will have been flushed out of the body before the first full day of treatment.

As was demonstrated in prior decades, to be effective against cancer hemoglobin needs to be excited by ultraviolet light and the hemoglobin must be able to “remember” this ultraviolet light frequency long enough, and strong enough, to kill microbes in the blood. It is known that if hemoglobin can kill microbes in the blood that it will cure cancer because cancer is a microbial disease and hemoglobin gets just outside the surface of the cancer cells.

Thus, the only thing this research protocol needs to prove is that it can get hemoglobin to “remember” ultraviolet frequencies strong enough and long enough to kill microbes in the blood.

This protocol has been proven to “remember” ultraviolet frequencies due to the evidence of extreme Herxheimer's that patients have experienced after using the protocol. That is why this protocol is expected to be effective against cancer.

So, his protocol is supposed to work in two ways. First, it is acting like a Bob Beck Blood Purifier as it kills microbes in the bloodstream both directly and indirectly. Also, it is hopefully killing microbes inside the cancer cells, which will allow the cancer cells to revert into normal cells.

Other Uses of This Protocol

Additional uses suggested for ultraviolet bulbs might include the black lights being placed directly above (e.g. two inches) the location of a tumor or swelling or infection (or for skin cancer, for example).

Final Comments About Treating Cancer Using UVA

This protocol is not designed to protect non-cancerous cells. The point is that advanced cancer patients on this protocol should additionally take alternative cancer treatments designed to nourish and protect the non-cancerous cells and protect the organs.

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