The Supreme
Colloidal Silver


Ionic Colloidal Silver Water Generator

Ionic Colloidal Silver Water

The best ionic colloidal silver water generator is CollGen2. This portable unit can decontaminate your water anywhere! Ionic silver water blocks a metabolic enzime used by many forms of vacteria, virus, and funges, but is non-toxic to humans. The Collgen2 invented by Fred Peschel creates 5 ppm colloidal silver water. This PII portable silver water purification system generates ionic silver water that can be used for more than 650 diseases.

True stable ionic silver water -- 100's of gallons for under a dollar a gallon. Colgen2 is a ionic colloidal silver water generator -- for portable water purification. Decontaminate your water anywhere! Silver from this machine as used for decontamination blocks a metabolic enzime used by many forms of vacteria, virus, and funges, but is non-toxic to humans. The Collgen2 invented by Fred Peschel creates 5-8 ppm ionic colloidal silver water. This  water purification system generates ionic silver water that can be used for more than 650 diseases

Some uses of the CollGen2  are fungus, candida, bacteria, flu virus, strep virus, avian bird flu. Also useful for MRSA, West Nile viruses, dengue fever. Use ionic colloidal silver to prevent staph infection, herpes, impetigo, pneumonia, bronchitis, and even acne. The CollGen2 ionic colloidal silver water generator has also been reported for use with breast cancer.

The CollGen2 ionic colloidal silver water generator is a scientific instrument that produces the only evidence based and efficacious Ionic Colloidal Silver 5ppm - 8ppm for use against infection. Much ionic silver equipment on the web is so crude it fails to produce positively charged ions of silver and thus most colloidal silver consumed is very weak (low in bio-effectiveness), but not this one. Unfortunately, instead of ionic silver, many think raw metallic particles, a non-soluble mineral form, can be used by your body, when only soluble minerals (ions) are, that is the advantage of ionic colloidal silver! Fred Peschel (PII or Peschel Instruments Inc.) spent considerable time inventing this best ionic colloidal silver water generator and in refining the process to assure neither useless silver salts, atoms or crystals are formed! Government tests on things like Collgen2 clearly indicate the superior benefits of charged ions, which are (300 to 17,000 times more effective) then most salts or metallic forms. Silver ions are 17,000 times more effective in saline blood then metallic silver! The CollGen2 is the best design of late inventor Fred Peschel.

Ionic Colloidal Silver is a solution of extremely fine sub microscopic particles (.015 - .005 microns) of pure ionic silver suspended in water by a positive electric charge on each particle. A powerful germicidal, ionic colloidal silver is an exceptional metal in that it is non-toxic to the human body. We discuss three mechanisms of deactivation that ionic colloidal silver from this ionic colloidal silver water generator utilizes to incapacitate disease causing organisms and infections. Silver, in its atomic state, has the capacity to absorb oxygen and act as a catalyst to bring about oxidation. ionic colloidal silver water generator generated Ionic Colloidal Silver may be taken orally or topically; applied directly to the skin. Read About the Superbugs! Ionic Colloidal Silver 5-8 PPM Does Not Grow Drug Resistant, It is an entirely different science! Smother the Bugs before they smother you! Many people have purchased the CollGen2® in the past in order to fight the WAR AGAINST DENGUE fever

  • Collgen2 is a ionic colloidal silver water generator for treatment and prevention of fungus
  • The Collgen2  kills candida yeast
  • The Collgen2 kills bacteria
  • Treat over 650 diseases with our ionic colloidal silver water generator
  • ionic colloidal silver water generator for use with cancer
  • The Collgen2 can kill flu viruses, strep viruses, and avian bird flu viruses, and the West Nile virus
  • Our Collgen2 portable even kills MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and other sources of staph infection
  • Block dengue fever with water purification with the Collgen2 ionic colloidal silver water generator
  • Kill herpes
  • Defend against the common skin infection impetigo
  • Used properly, the Collgen2 } can even prevent pneumonia
  • Bronchitis prevention and treatment
  • Collgen2  to cure acne
  • Ionic Colloidal Silver Water generator for use with breast cancer


Prevent infection with Collgen2's ionic colloidal silver water generator or treat disease. Contamination issues can occur anywhere, especially when travelling. Our portable ionic colloidal silver water generator can be used to make silver water for use with desease or to decontaminate to block infections

Colloidal Ionic Silver Water can generally kill the causes of many bacteria and viral problems. Stop infection complications before they start.

It has been recognized that silver disables the specific enzyme that many forms of bacteria, viruses,  and fungi utilize for their  metabolism. When silver nears a virus, fungi, bacterium or any single-celled microbe it is effective against, it disables the oxygen-metabolism enzyme. This destroys the microbe's ability to “breath” and within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies. Purified by Collgen2, the dead germ and its toxins are then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. It is  not exactly clear how silver  disrupts the enzymes in these single celled animals, but it is believed that the silver's natural  positive electrical charge is influential. This is why colloidal silver from this ionic colloidal silver water generator is the absolute best form of silver for fighting infection and related infectious diseases.

Colloidal Silver Generator -- colloidal silver

What is the CollGen2®?
The Collgen2® is a uniquely designed and expertly engineered Colloidal Silver Generator. It produces a verifiable and true 5-8 PPM Ionic Colloidal Silver water with each and every cycle of use.
Made in U.S.A.
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