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High pH Therapy (Cesium Chloride Protocol)


Dr. Aubrey Keith Brewer was a pioneer in Cesium Chloride therapy. He was chief of the National Bureau of Standards and Mass Spectrometer and Isotope Section, and his main interest was the behavior of cell membranes.

In 1984, Dr. Brewer published “The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans” in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior (Vol. 21, SupplementA product, generally taken orally, that contains one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food. 1).

Mass spectrographic and isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short. Tests on mice fed cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor masses within 2 weeks. In addition, the mice showed none of the side effects of cancer. Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. In each case, the tumor masses disappeared. Also, all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hours; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the withdrawal period. Studies of the food intake in areas where the incidence of cancer are very low showed that it met the requirements for the high pH therapy.

In other research, Dr. Brewer noted there were areas of the earth where the incidence of cancer were very low. In analyzing the foods from these regions, they were found to be extremely high in cesium and rubidium. The Hopi Indians have water that contains rubidium and potassium while the Hunzas of Northern Pakistan has water high in cesium and potassium.

Through his research, he was able to prove that Cesium Chloride can penetrate cancer cells, when other nutrients cannot. Following his research, many studies on humans have been carried out by Dr. Hans Nieper and by Dr. H.E. Sartori.

Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize-winning paper that noted a normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation.

Warburg was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that a cancer cell is anaerobic, meaning the cell does not burn oxygen like a normal cell, rather it ferments glucose to get energy.

The pH theory and cancer

Theory: The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division; the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. In the absence of oxygen, glucose undergoes fermentation to create lactic acid. This causes the cell pH to drop from between 7.3 to 5.7 depending on the advanced stages of cancer and in metastases.

Cancer cells thrive in this low pH. However, because the cancer cells are burning glucose (and creating lactic acid), energy is pulled from non-cancerous cells. In the “cachexia cycle,” the liver converts the lactic acid back to glucose, which also consumes energy.


The lactic acid cycle, commonly called “cachexia,” occurs for the following reasons:

  • Cancer cells routinely create lactic acid;
  • This lactic acid is released by the cancer cells and travels to the liver via the bloodstream;
  • The liver converts the lactic acid into glucose;
  • The liver releases glucose and cancer cells may pick up this glucose because cancer cells consume about 15 times more glucose than normal cells.

Cancer cells convert glucose to lactic acid, lactic acid travels to the liver; the liver converts the lactic acid back to glucose, which then travels back to the cancer cell. For cancer cells to survive and reproduce they must maintain a high acidic pH — they do this by producing lactic acid as a byproduct of their anaerobic respiration.

Cancer cachectic patients experience numerous complications including, but not limited to, reduced effectiveness of chemotherapy, reduced mobility and reduced functionality of muscle-dependent systems, such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, leading to a decrease in the quality of life and survival. [1]

Cesium Chloride

Cesium Chloride is a natural mineral with the touted ability to penetrate the cancer cell and rapidly change its acidic pH to an alkaline pH of about 8. This is theorized to destroy the enzymeA protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body. systems of the cancer cell and does not allow it to reproduce or survive.

Theories surrounding the mechanisms utilized by cesium to affect cancer:

  • It changes the pH level of cancer cells — and leaves the pH of healthy cells untouched. In fact, cesium appears to boost cancer pH levels above 7.5, which is a crucial cutoff point for healthy tissues — meaning the cancer cells die. (A pH of less than 7 is acidic; more than 7 is alkaline.)
  • Cesium starves cancer cells because it limits the uptake of glucose, which cancer cells rely on for sustenance. Without glucose, they end up starving to death.
  • It stops the process of fermentation, the means by which cancer cells metabolize glucose.
  • It neutralizes the lactic acid that is associated with the uncontrolled multiplying of cancer cells.

Continue With Step 6


  1. Vaughan VC, Martin P, Lewandowski PA. Cancer cachexia: impact, mechanisms and emerging treatments. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 2013;4(2):95-109. doi:10.1007/s13539-012-0087-1.
  2. Dr. James Howenstine, Use of Cesium Chloride to Cure Malignancies,

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