Cellect-Budwig Protocol
The theory behind this protocol is based on a combination of two of the fastest acting alternative cancer treatments available. Both the Cellect Protocol and the Budwig Protocol are known to be quickly effective, plus they avoid creating inflammation and swelling.
In addition to the two main treatments (Cellect and Budwig), the protocol includes several other treatments which are very effective in getting rid of cancer cells, re-balancing the body (i.e. the inner terrain) and eliminating toxins from the body.
Cancer patients are strongly advised to work with an expert in their main treatment protocol. This protocol has support available from Tiffany Redel (the daughter of Mike Vrentas). Mike designed this protocol. He has developed a video series with detailed information about the protocol. There is also Skype support for personal consultations available with Tiffany.
Do not attempt this protocol without viewing the video series. This article cannot detail all of the different situations cancer patients might face when using this protocol. Consultations are available after viewing the series. More will be said about his support below, but here is Mike's website.
5 Important Features of the Cellect Budwig Protocol
1. The key product in this protocol is a nutritional powder called Cellect, which has shown excellent results with all forms of cancer and many other chronic or terminal health issues.
2. The Budwig Diet restores the electrical charge in the cells.
3. Electromedicine has the ability to safely and quickly remove cancer cells from the body. It also shrinks tumors, quickly in many cases, and it can reduce pain dramatically.
4. Laetrile or B17 has been a major cancer treatment for several decades. It selectively kills cancer cells safely. It does not kill cancer cells so fast that it creates dangerous debris.
5. Vegetable juicing is critical for two major reasons. First, several vegetables are very high in anti-cancer nutrients. Second, by focusing on vegetable juice you are crowding out the bad foods that most people eat.
Treatment 1: Cellect Powder Theory
The key product in this protocol is a nutritional powder called Cellect, which has shown excellent results with all forms of cancer and many other chronic or terminal health issues. Cellect was developed by Fred Eichhorn, a former president of the National Cancer Research Foundation.
Fred completed four years of college Pre-Med and worked as a Surgical Organ Transplant Researcher. He is also a Bio-Chemist and cured himself of pancreatic cancer. The nutritional product Cellect was created as a result of his research. (1)
Treatment 2: The Budwig Protocol Theory
The Budwig Diet restores the electrical charge in the cells. Due to the number of rules when using the Budwig Diet or Budwig Protocol, a separate article has been written on the Budwig Protocol. This article is Part 2 of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol: Budwig Diet
Note 1: If someone is using a feeding tube, additional feeding tube options are covered in detail in the video series.
Treatment 3: High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Ray Tube Amplifier Theory
The Cellect-Budwig video series covers in detail the history and use of frequency generators, and also covers in detail individual cases, with some interesting results. What this device adds to the Cellect-Budwig protocol is the ability to safely and quickly remove cancer cells from the body. It may also shrink tumors, quickly in many cases, and it could reduce pain dramatically.
“Electromedicine” in alternative medicine is very gentle. In fact, the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier is amazingly gentle (you barely know it is turned on). Yet the frequency generator system can get rid of cancer cells in a very different way than the rest of the Cellect-Budwig protocol. It reverts cancer cells into normal cells. Thus this protocol is synergistic with the other parts of the Cellect-Budwig.
The High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier is based on the Rife Machine technology of the 1930s and 1940s. Dr. Royal Rife designed his frequency generators to kill microbes which were inside of the cancer cells. His “carrier wave” was designed to get the other frequencies past the cell membrane to get to the microbes.
Even though there are many “Rife Machines” on the Internet, the company that builds the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier actually studied machines built and delivered by Royal Rife before the AMA had him shut down. No other “Rife Machine” even comes close to the specifications of the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier.
Because the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier device is like a small radio tower (i.e. it broadcasts a signal in the air which goes more than 50 meters), it is claimed it can be used on most types of cancer, including bone cancer, brain cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, colon cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.
- Buy the Independent Cancer Research Foundation “Research Model” High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Tube Amplifier: FrequencyStore.com
Go to the vendor’s website that sells the High RF Frequency Generator and oscillator plasma amplifier which can broadcast high RF frequencies using a plasma ray tube antenna. You’ll be able to see photographs of the generator and amplifiers including full specifications and pricing at their website. They offer excellent technical support.
Due to FDA regulations, photos and the actual names of the High RF Frequency Generator and amplifiers cannot be directly mentioned or linked to this website.
Visit the vendor's website to read more about the specifications and to actually see what the system looks like. You'll see the frequency generator with the plasma amplifier to the left. The plasma ray tube sits on top of the amplifier. It emits a signal similar to a radio tower so nothing touches the patient using it.
There are two different amplifiers. The most potent of the High RF Frequency Generator devices uses the plasma amplifier. It costs about $4,700.
For those who cannot afford the plasma amplifier, the “little brother” of the plasma amplifier is a 15-watt linear amplifier. This “contact device” (using contact electrodes with the body) generates several gentle electrical currents instead of being like a radio tower that broadcasts 190-Watts from the antenna (plasma ray tube). The cost of the High RF Frequency Generator with the 15-Watt linear amplifier is about $2,500.
A person does NOT need both types of amplifiers. The plasma ray tube connected to the plasma amplifier is highly recommended both because it is more powerful than the 15-Watt linear amplifier and because it directly reaches all parts of the body. This is because the output frequencies are radio waves (with many sidebands) instead of just an electrical current.
If you can afford to add one of the two amplifiers to the High RF Frequency Generator and this protocol, it is highly recommended.
- For more detailed information, see: Frequency Generators
Note: Electromedicine protocols cannot be used at the same time as strong prescription drugs. This is because the electromedicine may allow these drugs to get inside of cells, which is not where they are supposed to be. In the case of time-released drugs, this can be a serious problem if they are strong drugs. In the case of non-time-released drugs, they should be taken one hour AFTER the electromedicine protocols are finished for the day.
Treatment 4: Laetrile or Vitamin B17 Theory
Laetrile or Vitamin B17 is also part of this protocol. Laetrile is talked about in detail in the Cellect-Budwig video series. Laetrile or B17 has been a major cancer treatment for several decades. It is said to selectively kill cancer cells safely. It does not kill cancer cells so fast that it creates dangerous debris.
The best way to take laetrile is by I.V., however, the most common way of taking laetrile is by eating apricot seeds (or apple seeds), which are high in laetrile or Vitamin B17. Laetrile tablets are also available and are also a very common way of taking laetrile.
- Key article: CureZone – See 74
Treatment 5: Vegetable juicing Theory
Vegetable juicing is critical for two major reasons. First, it is said that several vegetables are very high in anti-cancer nutrients. Second, by focusing on vegetable juice you are crowding out the bad foods that most people eat.
Of course, the juicing would be of little value if you did not avoid foods that are feeding your cancer or creating an environment which is favorable to cancer cells (e.g. sugar, dairy products, etc. feed cancer cells and microbes).
A cancer patient should absolutely avoid soda pops, including diet soda pops, highly processed foods (e.g. sugar, white flour), coffee, etc. Eating bad foods, especially highly acidic foods, such as those just mentioned, will feed cancer or create an environment in the body in which the cancer cells can thrive. The bottom line is to eat as many natural whole fruits and vegetables as possible and avoid highly processed foods.
The amount of vegetable juice one is able to consume will differ with each individual case. Be sure to spread out the juicing over several small drinks, every day.
The “cancer diet” is also critical to stopping fast-spreading cancers. The alkaline environment created by a good “cancer diet” is literally the main technique to stop fast-spreading cancers in their tracks.
Carrots, carrot/apple, and green drinks should comprise the bulk of the vegetable juice. Here is an article on which vegetables are anti-cancer and how to put together a vegetable juice:
Raw Food Diet
Treatment 6: Importance of detoxification Theory
See the information in the “Cardinal Rule” section below, as this is a very, very important part of this protocol. This is covered in detail in the Cellect-Budwig Video Series.
Treatment No. 7: Real sunlight
It is very helpful to get out in the sunlight for about 45 minutes a day. One needs to start slowly so as not to burn, maybe starting with as little as 15 minutes per day working their way up. Do NOT use any type of sunscreen. Sunscreens filter out certain wavelengths of light and can actually cause skin cancer.
Alternative Cancer Treatments to avoid on this protocol
There are several alternative cancer treatments which should NOT be taken with this protocol:
1) Do NOT take cesium chloride, Coral Calcium, or other alkaline products or supplements while on this protocol. The reason is that the Cellect is already properly pH balanced and these protocols would push Cellect out of balance.
2) Do NOT take Protocel, Cantron, Entlev, or Cancell (all are registered trademarks). These products work in the opposite manner as the Budwig Protocol and may offset the Budwig Diet.
3) Do NOT take any product with Paw Paw or Graviola. This includes Amazon Factor Protocol. These plants also lower ATP energy and may offset the Budwig Diet.
4) Do NOT take Vitamin C within four hours of the Budwig diet.
5) Do NOT take Eniva Vibe liquid while using Cellect.
Liver flushes Theory
Liver flushes are covered in the video series. A liver flush, which is designed to kill the microbes and parasites in the organs, is a major immune-building item that all cancer patients need to use.

Cellect Budwig
Cardinal rule: Work with an expert
Cancer is a relentless disease and all advanced cancer patients and/or caregivers must work with an expert, either in person or by detailed documentation, to deal with the many things a caregiver needs to know about treating advanced cancer. The experience of an expert is many times more important than common sense.
Almost by definition, this protocol will be used by advanced cancer patients. In addition, this is a very potent treatment and patients need to know what to do when the potency of this treatment becomes evident. When one uses alternative cancer treatments many times there is a die-off of dead cells and release of toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. from the body. One needs to know how to remove this toxic load from the body as quickly as possible.
Upon elimination of toxins from the body we have heard time and again how much better a person feels almost immediately, leaving the person feeling calm and relaxed, clear-headed and a sense of well-being. One needs to understand this in detail. This is one of many reasons for working with an expert when possible.
The critical issue of detoxification is covered in detail in the video series but is beyond the scope of this article.
You must remember when dealing with the toxic load created by any of the fast-acting alternative cancer treatments, such as this one, you need to understand the symptoms of the detoxification load and all of your options for dealing with the toxic load, especially with regards to protecting the liver.
This is a potent treatment, do not underestimate the need for good information.
Published support for this protocol
Due to the fact that Mike Vrentas, who designed this protocol, has a finite amount of time to help cancer patients, and because this is a popular treatment, Mike has produced a video series. This video series includes over 17 hours of life-saving information dedicated to cancer and other debilitating chronic diseases including MS, diabetes, Lyme Disease, high blood pressure, and much more. The information includes observations and personal experiences in battling these types of issues. There is a great deal of critical information in this series.
Because of the potential for unexpected symptoms and knowing how to handle them, it is unthinkable to attempt this treatment without the Cellect-Budwig video series. The information in these files is an essential part of this protocol.
Without watching the video series it is almost guaranteed the caregiver will do exactly the wrong thing to deal with the patient's weakness. I don't know how else to explain the importance of these lectures. The series can be viewed immediately. You may want to watch the series even if you don't go on this treatment because it will help any cancer patient on any treatment.
The information Mike has provided in the series is a step-by-step explanation of the above protocol. It includes a great deal of information on individual cases and the science behind the protocol, including the information on how the protocol works to re-balance the basic chemistry of your body. Very important to the protocol as well, is the detailed information on how to identify and deal with detoxification.
One-on-one support for this protocol
In almost all cases a patient needs customized information for their specific case. Tiffany can be contacted by email to set up a Skype consultation. Tiffany (Michael's daughter), is an expert in every phase of this treatment. She charges a very modest one-time consultation fee of $250. There is no additional charge for continued support. It is well worth it. Tiffany is also an excellent motivator to get a patient to do it right.
Note for brain and lung cancer patients
Swelling and inflammation can be very dangerous for brain cancer and lung cancer patients. There is nothing in this treatment that will create added swelling or inflammation. However, one reason you need to be careful about adding things to this treatment is that many alternative cancer treatments do cause temporary swelling or inflammation. In other words, be very, very careful about adding items to this treatment.
If swelling and inflammation are currently a problem, and if you are on any prescription drugs designed to reduce swelling, you should know that this treatment will not interfere with the drugs, except perhaps for the electromedicine devices.
If you have brain cancer and carry prescription drugs in case of brain inflammation, make sure you have someone with you at all times who knows how to administer these drugs in case of an emergency.
Optional treatments to the Cellect-Budwig Protocol
There are several alternative cancer treatments that are not part of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol partly because one of them is expensive and partly because this is already an extensive protocol. But for those who can afford the first treatment and/or has time to do the other treatments, they are highly recommended to be included in the Cellect-Budwig.
Fucoidan is a potent way to quickly and safely kill cancer cells. More than 100 scientific studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of “fucoidan” (the key sugar/nutrient in Fucoidan) to kill cancer cells.
What this protocol adds to the Cellect-Budwig is the enhanced ability to quickly get rid of cancer cells. It is very synergistic with the Cellect-Budwig.
Only the brand recommended by this website should be used for cancer because this is the brand/company that owns many of the key patents for extracting fucoidan. That is why this product costs as much as the Cellect.
MSM / CS Protocol — Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) / Colloidal Silver (CS)
The MSM/CS protocol is focused on killing microbes in the bloodstream and killing microbes inside the cancer cells (see What Causes Cancer). The MSM helps get the colloidal silver inside the cancer cells. A cancer patient cannot have too many treatments that can kill microbes in the bloodstream and inside the cancer cells.
Eliminating microbes from the bloodstream helps build the immune system because the immune system is burdened by about two pounds of microbes in the body. Killing microbes inside the cancer cells help revert cancer cells into normal cells. Thus, this protocol is very synergistic with the High RF Frequency Protocol.
This protocol is required for those who are not on the High RF Frequency Protocol.
This protocol is also absolutely required for any patient with cachexiaWeakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness, also known as Wasting Syndrome, is a sign of diseases, such as advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), AIDS, cancer, or heart failure. because the MSM helps flush lactic acid out of the bloodstream. Those with cachexia should “build-up” (i.e. slowly increase the dose) the level of MSM until it is double the dose of MSM in the MSM/CS article.
The MSM/CS is also required for squamous cell carcinoma, sarcomas, uterine cancer, and melanomas because of these types of cancer spread by microbes in the bloodstream. See this article: Article For SCC, Melanoma, etc.
- http://cancercompassalternateroute.com/therapies/cellect/#